次元编码DimensionCode 2023-10-13 11:22 来自微博weibo.com #次元编码企划# 今天周五,继续按照进度更新小说啦!目前针对故事还可能会做一些新的尝试哦!并且也要开始筹备重启B站的账号啦,大家可以在B站搜索【次元编码】添加关注哦!感谢感谢~ °O.S.A.G.事件簿-第四话-噩梦的启航⑦ 次元编...
Salesperson Dimension Code Ext. Doc. No. Mandatory Customer Nos. Post with Job Queue Job Queue Category Code Job Queue Priority for Post Post & Print with Job Queue Job Q. Prio. for Post & Print Notify On Success Sales by Cust. Grp.Chart Setup ...
Code- Provides a unique code for the dimension value. Name- Provides the full name of the dimension value. Dimension Value Type- Determines how a dimension value is used when posted. By using these types, a hierarchical relationship between the dimension values can be set up. Some dimension ...
Code - Provides a unique code for the dimension value. Name - Provides the full name of the dimension value. Dimension Value Type - Determines how a dimension value is used when posted. By using these types, a hierarchical relationship between the dimension values can be set up. Some dimensi...
Specifies the dimension code you enter in the Code field. However, you can enter your own caption for the dimension. The caption will determine the way fields relating to this dimension are presented to the user throughout the program. When you enter a caption here, the program will rename ...
Salesperson Dimension Code Ext. Doc. No. Mandatory Customer Nos. Post with Job Queue Job Queue Category Code Job Queue Priority for Post Post & Print with Job Queue Job Q. Prio. for Post & Print Notify On Success Sales by Cust. Grp.Chart Setup ...
《人工智能山水图》系列作品将传统山水画带入当下的科技语境;《富春山居图》用新媒体的人工智能创作出传统中国山水画,将视觉上抽象的二维码(QR code)图案转化为人们可阅读的具象图形;《多维采样》系列作品围绕二维码图像内容进行数字艺术再创作,进...
The method further includes automatically evaluating the predicate for each of the identified elements, and determining the elements exercised by the test for which the predicate evaluates to true to be covered elements of the SUT.UR, ShmuelFarchi, Eitan Daniel...
#新品来袭#elCOCO 位于恋爱光谱极端的我们 白河月爱 泳装 1/7比例手办发售价:21.5 美元 JANCODE:4582705280896 尺寸:全高:227mm 材质:PVC、ABS 预售截止日期 :2024年4月15日售卖月份:2024年8月特典:无 ...
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