s = “where are you”,count=0,第一个for循环实现将字符串s中的每一个字符赋给数组a,第二个for循环,当i=1时,执行完内层循环后,a(1)~a(13)分别为“yhere are wou”;当i=2时,执行完内层循环后,a(1)~a(13)分别为“ywere are hou”;当i=3时,执行完内层循环后,a(1)~a(13)分别为“ywure...
【解析】分析程序代码如下: Dim count As Integer Dim a(l T o 13) As String s="where are you":count=0'变量s存放字符串, 十一个字母和两个空格 For i=1 To Len(s)循环变量终值为Len(s) =13 a(i)=Mid(s,i,1)'循环提取每一个字符, 赋值给对应a(i)数组元素 Next i For i=I T o L...
Dim count As Integer sum = 0 For i = 1 To 30 Randomize x(i) = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1 sum = sum + x(i) Form1.Print x(i); Space(2); If i Mod 5 = 0 Then Form1.Print Next i ave = sum / 30 Form1.Print "平均值:"; ave Form1.Print "在平均值之上的数据是:" For i ...
Dim count As Integer,k As Integern=Val(Text1.Text) k=Sqr(n) count=1 For i=2 To k Step 1If n mod i=0Thencount= count+1 End If Next i If n>1 Then count=count+1 End IfLabel2.Caption=“约数个数是: count或者str(count)
根据图示算法将代码补充完整:Dim n As Integer,i As IntegerDim count As Integer,k As Integern=Val(Text1.Text) k=Sqr(n) count=1 For i=2 To k Step 1If n mod i=0Thencount= count+1 End If Next i If n>1 Then count=count+1 End IfLabel2.Caption=“约数个数是: count或者str(count...
某学校学生的年龄在18~28岁之间,以下程序用于统计各年龄段学生的人数。请将划线处填充完整。(每空2分,共4分) (Dim的作用是申明变量/数组) Dim count(18 to 28)as integer input N for i =1 to n Input age ___ next i for i=18 to 28 print“age(”,i,“)”,___ next i 第1空...
用DIM定义数值变量时,该数值变量自动赋初值为0。52307 .变量定义:Dim Count As integer, sum As single等价于: Dim Coun
Dim count As Integer, flag As BooleanDim t1 As Integer, t2 As Integercount = 0For t1 = 3 To 100flag = TrueFor t2 = 2 To Int(Sqr(t1))If___Then flag = FalseNext t2___count = count + 1End IfNext t1___End Sub 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 t1 mod t2=0 ( 1 ) If flag...
【题目】编程任务:输入正整数n,统计n的约数个数.其基本算法描述如图所示,请根据图示算法将代码补充完整:Dim n As Integer,i As IntegerDim count As Integer, k As Integern=V al (T ext1 . T ext)k=Sqr(n)count=1For i=2 To k Step 1T hencount=End IfNext iIf n1 Thencount=count+1End If...
Dim count As Integer 声明数组 在VBA中,使用dim来声明一个数组。语法形式与Visual Basic类似: Dim arrayName() As DataType 例如,下面的代码声明了一个名为numbers的整数数组: Dim numbers() As Integer 在VBA中声明数组时,可以选择指定数组的大小,也可以在之后使用ReDim语句重新调整数组的大小。