When I try to install oraclexe 11.2 x32 on Windows 2008 on logs of installation, I give this error bellow: DIM-00019: create service error O/S-Error: (OS 50) OracleServiceXe cannot start because database is not created.
error:0-管道的另一端上无任何进程。)错误 233 请更改你的登录身份验证。1、选中服务器(右键)->属性->安全性->服务器身份验证改为"SQL SER 汇编调用子程序出错:work3.asm(28): error A9: SYNTAX ERROR LOOP2: DJNZ R6,LOOP2 DJNZ R7,LOOP1 POP PSW RET , 这里多了个逗号END 西米手机删错文件,开机...
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant - Version and later: Oracle 12c DBCA DIM-00019: Create Service Error O/S-Error: (OS 87) The Parameter Is Incorrect a
When I try to install oraclexe 11.2 x32 on Windows 2008 on logs of installation, I give this error bellow: DIM-00019: create service error O/S-Error: (OS 50) OracleServiceXe cannot start because database is not created.