然而,这严重影响了这些方法在许多效率关键应用中的效率和有效性。为了填补这一空白,在本文中,我们将单图像去噪视为一个通用的图像增强问题,并最初提出了一种无模型的去噪方法,即Ef finicientDeRain,它能够在10ms内(即平均约6ms)处理降雨图像,比最先进的方法(即RCDNet)快80多倍,同时实现类似的去噪效果。我们首先...
EfficientDeRain: Learning Pixel-wise Dilation Filtering for High-Efficiency Single-Image DerainingQing GuoJingyang SunFelix Juefei XuYang Liu
Kernel prediction network:指的是上图中 U-Net 结构的网络,作者指出, the network can predict spatial-variant kernels that adapt to the rain streaks with different thickness and strength while preserving the object boundary. 如图中(c)部分所示,从R1到R6,雨的强度逐渐减弱,但是网络仍然可以较好的去除雨条。
wise 2005: responses of women to sublingual nitroglycerin before and after 56 days of 6°head-down bed rest downloaded from Black Americans have increased morbidity and mortality rates from cardiovascular disease, greater prevalence of hypertension, and altered responses to vaso... KA Zuj,H Edgell...
Directional dilation for the connection of piece-wise objects: asemiconductor manufacturing case studyA technique for intelligent dilation of objects in an image was\ndeveloped that, when compared to standard isotropic techniques, can\ncreate a better representative resultant image for subsequent\n...
Pairwise GLM fits between RT, baseline pupil diameter, evoked pupil dilation and magnitude of prestimulus EEG alpha.Linbi, HongJennifer, M. WalzPaul, Sajda