利用添加空洞扩大感受野,让原本3x3的卷积核,在相同参数量和计算量下拥有5x5(dilated rate =2)或者...提供了更大的感受野。空洞卷积经常用在实时图像分割中。当网络层需要较大的感受野,但计算资源有限而无法提高卷积核数量或大小时,可以考虑空洞卷积。 参考博客: https://www.jianshu.com...
2.dilation- the act of expanding an aperture; "the dilation of the pupil of the eye" dilatation enlargement,expansion- the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope vasodilation- dilation of blood vessels (especially the arteries) ...
总的来说,conv2ddilation_rate 参数是卷积神经网络中一个非常重要的参数,需要根据实际任务的需求进行合理的设置。 目录(篇2) 1.介绍 conv2ddilation_rate 参数 2.conv2ddilation_rate 参数的作用 3.conv2ddilation_rate 参数的取值范围 4.使用 conv2ddilation_rate 参数的实例 5.结论 正文(篇2) 一、介绍 conv...
在这个例子中,dilated_conv是一个膨胀卷积层,它的dilation参数被设置为 2。这意味着卷积核在卷积过程中会膨胀,使得卷积核中元素之间的间隔为 2。这可以使得卷积层能够捕获更大的空间结构,但同时也会增加计算复杂度。 需要注意的是,dilation_rate参数的值应该是一个正整数,并且不同的值会影响到卷积层的性能和计算...
2. 捕获多尺度上下文信息:空洞卷积有一个参数可以设置dilation rate,具体含义就是在卷积核中填充dilation rate 个0...空洞卷积(dilated/Atrous convolution)是在标准的卷积中引入空洞,以此来增加感受野reception field,相比原来的正常卷积,空洞卷积多了一个 空洞卷积 新参数,该参数定义了卷积核处理数据时各值的间距。
Acceleration and deceleration were achieved by irregular sequencing of events in time (anisochronous flicker rate) or irregular sequencing of events in time and space (anisochronous and/or anisometric drift). Despite being characterized by the same amounts of visual changes, accelerating and ...
Conclusions: Cervical length and GA at the time of ultrasound-indicated Shirodkar cerclage placement do not appear to impact the likelihood of preterm birth < 36 weeks, while cervical dilation ≥ 2 cm at the time of exam-indicated Shirodkar cerclage is associated with an increased rate of ...
Uterine perforationis another serious complication in second trimester surgical abortion, with the incidence of 0.32%.14It was shown that the use of routine intra-operative ultrasound guidance during D&E reduced the rate of perforation.15 Cervical dilatation for surgical abortion in the second trimester...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: bron·cho·di·la·tion n.broncodilatación, dilatación bronquial. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
Exclusion criterion was minimal-depth vaginoplasty or loss to follow-up.#In total, 137 patients included underwent full-depth vaginoplasty (46.7% survey response rate) 796.2 days (mean) postoperatively. Patients received 4.3 PFPT visits, with the last visit 12.4 weeks postoperatively (mean). ...