Although pupil responses are reflexively controlled, pupil diameter also reflects voluntary states, especially the mental effort expended on a task (Beatty, 1982). Generally, the greater the mental effort, the greater the pupil diameter. For example, when people attempt to memorize strings of aurall...
% Example Usage: % [outputMat] = SynaptophysinQuantification(); % Input Prompts: % 1. Input image directory of all image files % 2. Output directory to save CSV file and all image files % 3. Thioflavin flag: A Flag to differentiate thioflavin images in the % input directory % 4. Syn...
What is an example of a continuous function of time? What is the relativistic mass of a proton (m = 1.67x10-27) when it travels at 2.5x108 m/s? How often is a leap year? How to convert 3.2 minutes to minutes and seconds and convert 10.17 hours to hours and minutes?
Dilation expands the white (foreground) regions in a binary or grayscale image, while erosion shrinks them. These operations are beneficial in document processing, for example: - Dilation helps in closing up gaps within text or making thin lines thicker, enhancing legibility for OCR (Optical Char...
Computer image-processing techniques are often used in, for example, the analysis of thin sections of reservoir rock because of the large amounts of data contained in a single digitized section image. Erosion and dilation are operations frequently used in this type of work to iteratively smooth ...
Let's look at the'diamond'shape. The doc saysSE = strel('diamond', R)creates a flat, diamond-shaped structuring element, whereRspecifies the distance from the structuring element origin to the points of the diamond." For example:
[0023] FIG. 9 illustrates a flowchart of an example method in which an HMD receives a depth buffer that was previously modified to remove non-essential depth discontinuities and then performs color image reprojections using this modified depth buffer to ensure the color image embodied a perspective...
These learning problems due to discrimination difficulties between phonemes that are non-existent in the first language are not unique to Japanese speakers learning English, as, for example, they also occur among English speakers learning Mandarin4. In these cases, foreign sounds make new language ...
Capturing a single image in good lighting conditions might take tens of seconds using a scanning method, since the camera needs to capture each spatial or spectral dimension separately. Furthermore, the spatial resolution at which these cameras operate is typically low—for example, the Specim IQ,...
A set of related techniques tend to develop differentiable approximations for traditional image-adaptive filters and integrate them as end-to-end trainable layers for CNN models. For example, Liang et al. [9] proposed Spatio-Temporal adaptive and Channel selective Correlation Filters (STCCF) for ...