Objective: To observe the effect of dihuangyinzi on NO, NOS and SOD in patient with Angine Pectoris. 目的:观察地黄饮子对冠心病心绞痛患者的NO、NOS、SOD的影响。 www.chemyq.com 2. Effect of Dihuangyinzi on NO and NOS Contents in Brain Tissue and Behavior of Senile Bats with Alzheimer Diseas...
This study hypothesizes that Dihuang Yinzi (Dihuang drink, DHD) helps peripheral blood exosomes cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to exert its effects. The BBB prevents most drugs from reaching therapeutic concentrations in the brain, making it difficult to treat major neurological diseases. ...
地黄饮子(Dihuangyinzi).doc,地黄饮子(Dihuangyinzi) This recipe is composed of Shengdihuang, Morinda officinalis, dogwood, Cistanche, Dendrobium, Cyperus rotundus, Schisandra, cinnamon, white Poria, ophiopogon root, calamus, Polygala, ginger, jujube, m
( shengdihuangyinzi ) 别名:生地黄汤 生地黄饮子《杂病源流犀烛》 主治:生精补血,润燥止渴。治消瘅。 处方:人参黄耆生地熟地金石斛天冬麦冬枳壳枇杷叶泽泻各3克甘草1.5克 用法用量:水煎服。 生地黄饮子《太平圣惠方》 主治:治瘫缓风,手足不遂,言语謇涩,心神躁闷。
·kg-1)与模型对照组比较,Momis水迷宫试验逃避潜伏期缩短,跨越平台次数增加,海马AChE和ChAT含量显著升高(P<0.05).结论:地黄饮子能改善慢性脑低灌注大鼠学习记忆功能,可能与保护胆碱能系统有关.;Objective: To investigate influence of Dihuangyinzi on learning and memory and AChE,ChAT of Hippocampal in chronic...
dihuangyinzi 地黄饮子地黄饮子组成生地黄 适量(熟) 巴戟天 适量 山茱萸 适量 石斛 适量 肉苁蓉 适量 附子 适量 五味子 适量 官桂 适量 白茯苓 适量 麦门冬 适量 菖蒲 适量 远志 适量 地黄饮子的功效与作用滋肾阴,补肾阳,开窍化痰。 地黄饮子主治...
②参苓饮子(《卫生宝鉴》),由麦门冬、白芍药、五味子、熟地黄、黄芪、白茯苓、天门冬、甘草、人参、生姜、大枣、乌梅构成。功能益气养阴,生津增液。主治消渴口干,饮食不思。 ③乌龙汤(《医醇剩义》),由元武版、天冬、生地、南沙参、蛤粉、女贞子、山药、茯苓、料豆、泽泻、车前、藕构成。功能滋阴固肾。主治下...
地黄 地黄 知识 地黄饮 地黄饮子 地黄饮子 知识 相关方剂 生地黄饮子 地黄饮 当归地黄饮 地黄饼 地黄膏 地黄煎 地黄酒 地黄醴 地黄散 地黄汤 地黄丸 地黄汁 地黄粥 大地黄丸 单地黄煎 地黄馎饦 地黄敷方 地黄膏子 地黄合剂 地黄花粥 地黄煎丸 地黄酒酥 地黄小煎 地黄罨方 地黄汁汤 二地黄丸 干地黄煎...
Objective: To observe the effect of dihuangyinzi on NO, NOS and SOD in patient with Angine Pectoris. 目的:观察地黄饮子对冠心病心绞痛患者的NO、NOS、SOD的影响。 www.chemyq.com 2. Effect of Dihuangyinzi on NO and NOS Contents in Brain Tissue and Behavior of Senile Bats with Alzheimer Diseas...
Conclusions: Dihuang Yinzi decoction, either used alone or in combination with conventional Western medicine, shows promising results in enhancing cognitive and memory functions as well as the self-care ability of patients with AD. However, the low GRADE evidence quality rating highligh...