GO GO Phonics 3 第七单元和第八单元长元音u,e字母组合知识点解析 572 -- 11:02 App Go Go phonics 1第一单元Aa-Cc自然拼读解析 53 -- 12:38 App Go Go phonics 4 第六单元 组合音 Digraph- th, ph, wh 知识点解析 57 -- 10:59 App Go Go phonics 4 第五单元 组合音 Digraph- ch, sh...
Digraphs thatspell consonant soundsinclude the letter pairs sh, ch, th, wh, ck, ph, ng. Digraphs that spell vowel sounds include the letter pairs ai, ay, ee, ea, ie, ei, oo, ou. ow, oe, oo, ue, ey, ay, oy, oi, au, aw. ...
它包括以下内容: R-controlled vowels: ar, er, ir, or, and -ur 每页两张卡片 3页 Diphthong Wall Cards 它包括: 字母组合:-au words,-aw words,-ew words,-oi words,-oo words,-ou words,-ow words,-oy words 每页2张卡片 共有5页 Vowel Team Wall Cards 它包括: 元音组合: -ai words, -ay...