助企业进行在线(公开/私密)直播 课程 通过搭建在线学习平台,协助企业完 善自身对员工内部学习功能及外部宣 传功能 第59页 期待与您合作By Digitive 1-50页 51-59页 展开 百万用户使用云展网进行图文电子书制作,只要您有文档,即可一键上传,自动生成链接和二维码(独立电子书),支持分享到微信和网站!其他案例《...
The cluster of innovations brought about by information and communication tech- nology (ICT) is dramatically changing the ways in which the visual arts can be pro- duced and consumed. By using the USA 2012 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts, we explore visual arts consumption through ...
imp1ementation of a digita1 1ive action gaming experience for interprofessiona1 1eaming and trainingInterprofessional education is required by all athletic training, medical, pharmacy, nursing, and public health students at Texas A&M University. One such opportunity for collaborative training has ...
digita1 transfonnation stands a1ongside inc1usive education 1essons 1eamed from a project ca11ed waking up in the momingThe right of people with special educational needs and disabilities to be educated along- side their typically developing peers is a fundamental human right protected by ...
digita1 divide and digita1 inc1usion juxtaposed rea1ities and einc1usive prospects for o1der personsdoi:10.1007/978-3-030-94606-7_10The digital divide within and across generations is often explained by older persons' exclusion from, or limited access to technologies, as well as reluctant ...
designing and de1ivering representation focused science 1essons in a digita1 1eaming environmentOnline learning platformScience educationInquiry-based learningRepresentationsConceptual developmentInquiry-based representation-focused approaches in science education have shown prom- ising outcomes when students ...
de1ivering te1emonitoring care to digita11y disadvantaged o1der adu1ts human computer interaction hci design recommendationsAlthough telemonitoring has promise in improving care delivery and reducing unnecessary health care costs, the recent years have witnessed growing interest in identifying and ...
The digital phenotyping of humans has drawn enormous attention recently due to its medical significance, but much research is still needed for the digital phenotyping of farm animals. Implications from human studies show great promise for the application of digital phenotyping technology in modern ...
digita1 detection of o1ive oi1 rancidity 1eve1s and aroma profi1es using near infrared spectroscopy a 1ow cost e1ectronic nose and machine 1eaming mode11ingThe success of the olive oil industry depends on provenance and quality-trait consis- tency affecting the consumers' acceptability/...