we believe that the digital economy will drive China's manufacturing sector to upgrade to intelligent manufacturing. In 2020, the digital economy accounted for 21% of value added of the industrial sector, an increase of 4.2ppt from 2016. The computer numerical control (CNC) rate...
任职要求: 1.全日制本科以上学历毕业,硕士优先kanzhun,计算机相关专业毕业; 2.拥有丰富的软件研发技术背景,熟悉阿里云等云环境的技术知识,具有调度组件研发项目的相关经历; 3.具有很强的语言表达能力、沟通能力和人际交往能力; 4.具备各类书面文档的编写经验和能力,能编写高水平的PPT、Word等形式的汇报材料; 5.具有...
有银行信贷项目工作经验或文字功底好或擅长PPT制作优先 工作内容: 保单融资数字化生态建设项目,包括不限于业务建模、需求分析(含可行性调研)及文档撰写、政策量化模型构建、系统原型设计、业务系统测试、系直聘统启用宣传,运营维护监控等全周期项目管理工作。 任职要求: 1.大学本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,有需求分析工...
·Powerful compatibility for printing anytime, anywhere via Bluetooth connection ·Supporting the provision of supporting apps, enabling instant connection and calling on the phone, and supporting multiple documents (Word/Excel/ppt/pdf/jpg, etc.) ·Supports image printing, web page printing, and p...
Achieves competitive differentiation via cloud-network integration, industrial network business maintains rapid growth. In 1-3Q21, revenue from industrial digitalization grew 16.8% YoY to Rmb74.09bn, and its proportion in service revenue trended up 1.77ppt YoY to 24.4%. We attribute the strong growth...
business in Tianjin. Moreover, the firm stepped up efforts to expand its electricity trading business and recorded 16mn kWh in sales volume by end-2021. For 2022, the firm sets a sales volume goal of 3.0bn kWh and a revenue target of Rmb30mn. We expect SGIC to rapidly increase its ...
Technology Satellite Zigbee Bluetooth Weightless Sigfox LTE-M NB-IoT LoRA A large proportion of electricity demand is attributed to industrial consumption and industries are classified as sensitive loads that need more stable electricity supplies than domestic, business, and agricultural consumption [52]....
In a nutshell, the business-as-usual presidential campaigns of 2021 were seemingly not able to win neither the battle of incumbency advantage nor pandemic-related demobilization. This article focused on a wide array of objective data on how the 2021 (and the 2016, for comparative purposes) ...
(Barfiev) 1 and Dmitry Nazarov 2,* 1 Department of Accounting, Tajik National University, Dushanbe 734025, Tajikistan; khushvakhtzoda.k@gmail.com 2 Department of Business Informatics, Ural State University of Economics, 620144 Yekaterinburg, Russia * Correspondence: slup2005@mail.ru; Tel.: +992...
In project area C, results from game theoretical experiments, business assessments, and case studies on enterprise sustainability performance were presumed to be processed and documented in reports and papers. Furthermore, software tools for tracking, analyzing, and assessing the ergonomics of working ...