* • Have an outstanding academic track record in information technology digital/ management 曹女士2月内活跃 毕马威·HR 竞争力分析 加载中... 个人综合排名:在 人中排名第 一般良好优秀极好 BOSS 安全提示 BOSS直聘严禁用人单位和招聘者用户做出任何损害求职者合法权益的违法违规行为,包括但不限于扣押求职者证...
In particular, an economic mechanism is needed to compensate for the cost of equipment owned by a remote worker. It is also advisable to substantiate the working hours of remote workers and their labor standards. Taking into account the introduction of electronic document management and other ...
数字化转型管理Digital Transformation Management 数字化转型管理课程侧重于新兴的数字技术及其对企业和整个社会的变革性影响。该课程应用战略视角,探讨管理者和领导者如何应对挑战,利用这一发展带来的机遇,并实施必要的变革,在日益数字化的世界中保持竞争力和可持续发展。
Modern managers are very important to understand that the formation of the digital economy leads to the transformation of different sectors of the economy, and therefore requires the construction of new business models and approaches to the management of organizations, resulting in new challenges and ...
Exploring the mechanisms for records management’s digital transformation: a case study from China 档案管理数字转型的机制探索:对中国的案例研究 03 论文摘要 Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanisms underlying...
etc. Thanks to the use of management software, an employee could simply type in the unique identifying number of the item and access information as to exactly where it is within the warehouse, how long it has been in possession, and any actions that need to be carried out on the piece ...
Transformation managers who acknowledge these issues look at change management in a fundamentally different way. They listen first and communicate later. They cocreate the future with all stakeholders; they invest in building execution credibility, focus on earning the t...
The article discusses the role of management in the context of the digital transformation of the economy and highlights the obstacles hindering the implementation of HR Tech technologies. The advantages of automating learning processes are demonstrated, and the role of the personnel development manager ...
In a study on the subject of digital transformation carried out by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland from April to May 2017, 82% of the companies stated that their driver for digital transformation was their wish to support their business processes. However, the...
No matter where a company falls on the spectrum of archetypes, there is great value in slowing down and regrouping around a new, more targeted strategy aimed at maximizing the value of a digital transformation.An important lesson from the few organizations that have succeeded in scaling digital ...