The development of the global economy is uneven, with nations and regions at different stages and with varying demands for digital transformation. Therefore, the development of digital infrastructure also needs to be phased and adapted to meet localized needs. Through theHuawei Global Connectivity Index...
The year 2010 was an important turning point for China’s economy, and the digital economy has become its new feature. In the digital economy wave, digital transformation and innovation are two essential starting points for enterprise development. Few studies have examined the effect of companies’...
Using a Result-Oriented Systems Thinking approach to design and evaluate strategies for the digital transformation management of small and medium-sized ent... Digital technologies offer diverse opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, for an effective use of these ...
digital strategy, enterprise collaboration, gamification, and the adoption of emerging technologies. he helps clients develop digital and social strategies, deploy, obtain value from the leading customer engagement platforms, and leverage new digital technologies for business transformation, acceleration, ...
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Digital Transformation Strategies Overview Commonwealth Bank of Australia has been focusing on using artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud-based mobile applications, big data, and drones to digitally transform its operations. The annual ICT spending of...
Digital Transformation Strategies Tencent has unveiled a new ‘3D Ecosystem Strategy’ for its cloud division, which is Tencent’s long-term strategy. As a part of this strategy, Tencent has teamed with Intel to create a fast cloud disk solution in areas such as latency and input/output operat...
digital transformation on economic performance and sustainability. It underscores the pivotal role of digital technologies, especially in advanced European countries, in driving economic growth and sustainability. The results can be helpful to regulators in developing digitization strategies that underpin ...
digitaltransformation strategiesseektocoordinateandprioritizethemany independentthreadsofdigitaltransformation.Toaccount fortheircompany-spanningcharacteristics,digitaltrans- formationstrategiescutacrossotherbusinessstrategiesand shouldbealignedwiththem(Fig.1). WhiletherearevariousconceptsofITstrategies (Teubner2013),these...
While Vial's (2019) understanding of this primitive mainly focuses on digi- tal technologies as means, Gong and Ribiere's (2021) primitive adopts a broader approach reflecting the strategies, resources, and capabilities involved in creating 13 What is digital transformation? A survey on ...
How Business Intelligence Enables E-commerce: Breaking the Traditional E-commerce Mode and Driving the Transformation of Digital Economy To pursue the sustainable development of the economy, resources and society, we should adhere to the guidance of technology leading and promote the digital... CL Pa...