time-to-digital convertersadc特点time-to-digital convertersadc特点 ADC(Analog-to-Digital Converter)是一种电子设备,将模拟信号转换为数字信号。其中一种类型是时钟到数字转换器(Time-to-Digital Converter,TDC)。TDC具有以下特点: 1.高分辨率:TDC能够以非常高的精度测量时间间隔,通常可以达到亚纳秒级别甚至更高的...
Digital to analog Converter数字信号音频转换器光纤转模拟音频 深圳市京达莱科技有限公司 9年 回头率: 26.8% 广东 深圳市龙岗区 ¥24.00 成交35台 模拟转数字转换器 Analog To Digital音频解码器 深圳市超飞越电子科技有限公司 7年 回头率: 35.2% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥25.00 成交14台 模拟转数字...
current mode digital to analog converter电流型数模转换器 random access memory digital to analog converterRAM数模转换器(=RAMDAC) 一种用于某些VGA和SVGA显示适配器的芯片,将表示像素的数字信号转化为监视器显示需要的仿真信号。RAMDAC芯片通常可以提高总体显示性能。
An apparatus includes a time-to-digital converter based analog-to-digital converter for generating a first signal and a second signal having a timing relationship between a rising edge of the first signal and a rising edge of the second signal based on a sampled input analog voltage level, ...
首先我们说下状态TIME_WAIT 出现的原因 TCP的新建连接,断开连接的流程和各个状态,如下图所示 由上图可知:TIME_WAIT 是主动断开连接的一方会出现的,客户端,服务器都有可能出现 当 2023-11-13 11:26:40 Analog-to-DigitalConverter模数转换器的数据采集 ...
Time-to-Digital Converter based on Analog Time Expansion for 3D Time of Flight Cameras This paper presents an architecture and achievable performance for a time-to-digital converter, for 3D time-of-flight cameras. This design is partitioned i... M Tanveer,I Nissinen,J Nissinen,... - Proce...
VCO-Based Wideband Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Converters AACD 2010 This chapter examines the use of VCO-based quantization within continuous-time, Sigma-Delta ADC circuits. We consider the VCO-based quantizer as an efficient combination of a voltage-to-time converter and a time...
Figure 5. Block diagram of analog TDC based on dual-slope analog-to-time-interpolation. Ref[3] 那么,是否可以从纯数字角度去考虑TDC的结构呢?回答当然是可以的。因为之前的阐述就表明了,如果纯粹在模拟角度来思考的话,除了精妙的架构以外,精度上基本被限制和局限了。换个角度来说,也正是由于数字的高速发展...
A digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is a circuit that converts a binary input number into an analog output. From: Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design, 2012 About this pageSet alert Also in subject areas: Earth and Planetary Sciences Computer ScienceDiscover other topics On this page Def...