Collaboration among healthcare providers, regulators, technology developers, and patients is necessary to address these challenges. In India, digital therapeutics have the potential to improve healthcare access and outcomes, particularly for chronic diseases like hypertension an...
数字疗法(digital therapeutics,DTx)是近年来全球兴起的医疗科技新概念,可以等效于常规药品和治疗方法,为患者提供基于循证医学的疾病管理和治疗。2020年11月,我国首款数字疗法产品“术康APP”通过国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)批准,作为处方由医生为患者直接开具,揭开了中国数字疗法的序幕。 数字疗法产品需要真实世界数据和相关...
The pandemic and the subsequent years have brought out a magnitude of changes in the modern healthcare segment. Here, digital therapeutics is expected to significantly influence how healthcare is delivered and consumed across the world. Digital therapeutic solutions will also alter the way pharmaceutica...
Digital therapeutics include software treatment that is evidenced by an intervention directly given to the patient. Healthcare providers prescribe them as a stand-alone or supplementary therapy to accompany drugs. These digital programs include managing diabetes, asthma, hypertension, even mental health is...
This Sidebar video considers the role of DTx in delivering remote care to patients with cancer. Find out more about Sidekick's plans to work on digital therapeutics to manage side effects in chemotherapy.
Digitization in healthcare is revolutionizing the way we prevent, treat and manage health conditions. Emerging technologies not only expedite the development of new drugs, but also introduce a completely new class of therapies, such as digital therapeutics (DTx), which are software-based solutions ...
1.DigitalHealthcareOverview 1.1DigitalHealthcare,DigitalMedicineandDigitalTherapeutics Digitalhealthcare,digitalmedicineanddigital therapeuticsarenotlegaltermsdefinedinPeo-ple’sRepublicofChina(PRC)lawsandregula-tions,butarefrequentlyreferredtoincommer-cialcontextsandindustrypolicies. Digitalhealthcareusuallyreferstohealt...
Ultimately, we want to develop a digital patient journey solution that can be reimbursed by the healthcare system. Digital Therapeutics (DTx) products are already making inroads in the U.S., and German authorities have taken a bold step to reimburse some services. We expect that China’s regu...
The Promise of Digital Therapeutics conference was hosted by McKinsey and Digital Therapeutics Alliance, a US-based not-for-profit trade association that aims to broaden the understanding and adoption of clinically evaluated digital therapeutics in healthcare.1 The conference brought together leaders and...
in Los Angeles. The event brought together all sides of the healthcare equation to collaborate on delivering value and an elevated standard of care to patients. With the growth of digital therapeutics becoming a prominent feature of the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, this promises to be an...