The result is a working, reliable chip.Zeidman, BobPTR Prentice HallCmp BooksGrout I.: Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs. - Amster- dam: Elsevier, 2008.Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs - Ian Grout, Elsevier, Newnes....
Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDsexplains how to design and develop digital electronic systems using programmable logic devices (PLDs). Totally practical in nature, the book features numerous (quantify when known) case study designs using a variety of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)...
Ian Grout, in Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs, 2008 10.3 Case Study 1: DC Motor Control 10.3.1 Introduction In this case study, a digital controller is developed to control the speed of a DC electric motor. The overall control system model will be developed in MATLAB® [9...
From:Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs,2008 About this page Add to MendeleySet alert Computer Science Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Parts Selection InHybrid Microcircuit Technology Handbook (Second Edition), 1998 ...
Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs This textbook explains how to design and develop digital electronic systems using programmable logic devices (PLDs). Totally practical in nature, the book features numerous (quantify when known) case study designs using a variety of Fiel... I Grout -...
(HDL)designflowbasedoncell–basedlibrariesorfield–programmable gatearray(FPGA)devices.Honedandrevisedthroughyearsofclassroomuse,Linfocusesondeveloping, verifying,andsynthesizingdesignsofpracticaldigitalsystemsusingthemostwidelyusedhardware descriptionLanguage:VerilogHDL. -Explainshowtoperformsynthesisandverificationto...
3. Design and analyze digital systems and finite state machines. 4. Perform functional verification by writing appropriate test benches. 5. Implement designs on FPGA/CPLD boards. List of Experiments: Write the Code using VERILOG, Simulate and synthesize the following: 1. Write structural and dataf...
摘要】 现今的系统设计更多的依赖于数字器件,从分立的逻辑门,到复杂的FPGA、CPLD以及DSP,数字化进程加剧。 Long-term preservationofdigitalheritage begins withthedesignofreliable systems and procedures which ...
18.4FPGAs 18.5Exercises Objective: This chapter describes CPLD and FPGA devices. Owing to their high gate/flip-flop density, wide range of I/O standards, large number of I/O pins, easy ISP (in-system programming), high speed, and decreasing cost, their presence in modern digital system...