The digital signature is valid. The certificate associated with the digital signature is current (has not expired). The signing person or organization, known as the publisher, is trusted. The certificate associated with the digital signature is issued to the publisher by a trusted certificate author...
excel security notice the digital signature is valid but the signature is from a publisher 發行項 2017/02/07 Question Tuesday, February 7, 2017 11:51 PM Hi All, From my domain root CA -code signing template -enable the Enrollment and read permission for authenticated users. Also request ...
it works differently. When a signature line is inserted into a Microsoft 365 file, the author can specify information about the intended signer, and instructions for the signer. When an electronic copy of the file is sent to the intended signer, this person sees the...
The digital signature is valid. The operating system must trust the Certificate Authority (CA) that signs the digital certificate underpinning the digital signature. The certificate that is associated with the digital signature isn't expired or contains a time stamp that indicates the certificate was...
I am using MS Excel containing macro at customer place for some automation in excel. When the customer opens excel containing macro with the valid EV digital signature (Also tried with previously signed non EV code sign certificate) yet get the error “This digital signature is invalid and cann...
In this forum I would like to ask does anybody know if Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES) that fit eIDAS regulation (EU zone) are valid in other major countries like U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan, China etc? Or I need to have both QES and Advanced E-signature to sign documents glo...
The digital signature is valid. A CA that is trusted by the operating system must sign the digital certificate on which the digital signature is based. The certificate that is associated with the digital signature is not expired. The signing person or organization (known as the publisher) is ...
The digital signature on this message is Invalid or Untrusted. 该邮件上的数字签名为“无效”和“不可信任”. 来自期刊摘选 13. The Interactive Resolver Component does not have a valid digital signature. 交互式冲突解决程序组件没有有效的数字签名. 来自期刊摘选 14. This file has a valid digital sign...
SketchUp has a digital signature imprint from Verisign, so if you receive a message that there is an invalid digital signature or no digital signature, the likely cause is that installation file was corrupted during download. In that case, clear your browser's cache, and then try the download...
I have not found any older version of Reader to test with but I have gained access to Adobe Acrobat and tried to sign the same PDF and it works, the signature is valid. I do not know if my conclusion is correct but since Acrobat can sign, there "should" ...