processing, 音频及语音信号处理、声纳和雷达信号处理、 传感器阵列处理、谱估计、统计信号处理、图 像处理、通信信号处理、生物医学信号处理 2 Since the goal of DSP is usually to measure or filter continuous real-world analog signals, the first step is usually to convert realsignals, the signal from ...
信息工程专业英语Unit 5 Understanding Digital Signal Processing 热度: 通信与电子信息专业英语 课件 Unit 5 Digital Signal Processing 热度: TechnicalEnglish ForInformationScienceandElectronicEngineering Unit9 Electronics:DigitalSignalsandSignalProcessing PartI ...
Technical English Unit 4 Part I Technical EnglishTechnical English Unit 4Unit 4 Part IPart I For Information and Digital Signals and Signal For Information and Digital Signals and Signal Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Communication Engineering Processing Communication Engineering Processing...
电子信息类专业英语Unit14DigitalSignalProcessing Unit14DigitalSignalProcessing TextWhatisDSP?DSP,orDigitalSignalProcessing,asthetermsuggests,is theprocessingofsignalsbydigitalmeans.Asignalinthiscontextcanmeananumberofdifferentthings.Historicallytheoriginsofsignalprocessingareinelectricalengineering,andasignalheremeansan...
* 电子与通信工程专业英语Unit-11--Introduction-to-Digital-Signal-Processing 1.What is DSP? DSP, or Digital Signal Processing, as the term suggests, is the processing or signals by digital means. A signal in this context can mean a number of different things. Historically the origins of ...
Unit9DigitalSignalProcessing PassageABasicConceptsofDSP Wedon’tspeakinadigitalsignal.Adigitalsignalisalanguageof1sand0sthatcanbeprocessedbymathematics.Wespeakinreal-world,analogsignals.Analogsignalsarerealworldsignalsthatweexperienceeveryday-sound,light,temperature,andpressure.Adigitalsignalisanumericalrepresentation...
A digital signal is a numerical representation of the analog signal. It may be easier and more cost effective to process these signals in the digital world. In the rea 3、l world, we can convert these signals into digital signals through the analog-to-digital converter, process the signals,...
4 Unit14DigitalSignalProcessing activityoftheheartandothermu scles.Thesignalisoftenstrongly affectedby “mainspickup”du etoelectricalinterferencefromt hemainssupply.Processingthes ignalusingafiltercircuitcanrem oveoratleastreducetheunwant edpartofthesignal.Increasingly nowadays,thefilteringofsignals to...
Aliasing causes high frequency signals to appear as lower frequency signals. To be sure aliasing will not occur, sampling is always preceded by low pass filtering. The low pass filter, called the anti-aliasing filter, removes all frequencies above half the selected sampling rate. ;; After a ...