This new resource introduces the concepts, equations, and terminology of Digital Signal Processing, and also provides the tools needed to analyze and design digital filters. With emphasis on digital filtering, this book applies the reader's knowledge of AC circuits, trigonometry, algebra, calculus an...
Purchase Digital Signal Processing - 4th Edition. Print Book & E-Book. ISBN 9780443273353, 9780443273360
For senior/graduate courses in Digital Signal Processing. This text offers students a hands-on approach to understanding architecture and programming of DSP processors, and the design of real-time DSP systems. It contains real-world applications, and implementation of DSP algorithms using both the fi...
This book introduces digital signal processing (DSP) on Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers, combining theory and labs to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
This textbook introduces readers to Digital Signal Processing fundamentals using Arm Cortex-M based microcontrollers as demonstrator platforms. Topics include foundational concepts, principles and techniques such as signals and systems, sampling, reconst
This book is intended for a two-semester sequence on digital signal processing for seniors and first-year graduate students, and is also suitable for self-study by practicing engineers or scientists. It introduces the tools used in the analysis and d
Book description Digital signal processing is commonplace in most electronics including MP3 players, HDTVs, and phones, just to name a few of the applications. The engineers creating these devices ... read full description Purchase book Share this bookBrowse...
Digital signal processing (DSP) has been applied to a very wide range of applications. This includes voice processing, image processing, digital communications, the transfer of full description Purchase book Share this book Table of contents ...