美国境内生跟国际生都会在 2023 年的秋季开始考第一次的 Digital PSAT,包含 PSAT 8/9 跟 PSAT/NMSQT。看来 PSAT 10 会改到春季进行,所以 10 年级生会在 2024 年春季开始考 PSAT 10。 Part 8.学生会如何考 Digital SAT? 新的SAT 会通过电脑或平板进行,学生会在考试前下载 College Board 官方的 digital ex...
See why Kaplan’s PSAT prep is a great choice to prep for the digital PSAT exam with on demand and online PSAT prep courses, study materials, and practice tests.
Some students have already taken the Digital PSAT® (DPSAT). If you haven’t taken it yet, learn more aboutnavigating the DPSAT; and if you have, you may still have questions about what the DSAT has in store. Below we share five key features of the digital exam. So, let’s dive ...
College Board将从2023年3月起向在美国以外地区测试的学生实施Digital SAT的测试形式;继而,2023年10月开始,所有PSAT都会采用机考的形式;最后,在2024年3月,机考将在所有考点普及。所以择小由提醒广大考生最好早点适应Digital SAT的考试形式,记得多参加几次模拟哦。 Reference: https://www.manyagroup.com/sat/digital...
1, 2, & 3 month program options. For students looking to ace their college application essays.Call to book. Learn More PSAT Course In-Person or Online For students planning to study early for the SAT and need to prepare for higher-level SAT courses.Call to book. ...
TAKE TEST Real Test Setting MentoMind provides adaptive practice tests that replicate the real exam setting and difficulty. Feel fully prepared and confident for test day with practice that mirrors the SAT in every way. Get started ANALYZE PERFORMANCE Gain Powerful Insights into Your ...
https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/digital-sat-test-spec-overview.pdf When Should You Take the SAT?(2023, December 18). College Board Blog. https://blog.collegeboard.org/when-should-you-take-the-sat What’s the Difference between the SAT and the PSAT-Related Assessments?(2018, ...
live sat & PSAT Class super seminars Self-paced Course SupertutorTV Self-Paced Digital SAT® Course (BETA)* Score Higher Learn the secrets that have helped Brooke’s students earn up to a1600! Generate a custom study list based on yourBluebook Practice Test results*orSupertutor Practice Test...
College Board has stated that a paper version of the test will be made available only to students whose disability creates an “inability to use a computer.” Practice and Feedback from dSAT Testing are important Finally, one last point for students to consider is this: feedback, not just...