英文Digital Signature(数字签名) 则是 Electronic Signature(电子签名) 的一种特定类型,可以说是一种改进型的更加可信的电子方式签名,准确的中文全称应为:数字方式签名,简称:数字签名,以区分电子方式签名。数字签名是使用数字证书来验证签名者的身份,并通过密码算法将签名者身份绑定到文档中来证明签名行为的不可否认,...
當我們談到數位簽名時,我們講的是具有增強安全性附加功能的進階電子簽名。數位簽名採用特殊的加密方法來建立每個簽名者獨一無二的數位指紋。該數位指紋可用於驗證簽名者的身份,且是由官方認證機構頒發的。 數位簽名還附有長期驗證(或稱LTV)時間戳。長期驗證會記錄下文件簽署的確切日期和時間,如果文件被更改或篡改,該...
Electronic signature Commonly referred to as an e-Signature, it is an electronic copy of your physical signature, like a stamp. It provides a visual confirmation of the agreement on a document. You can create your electronic signature by hand-writing it with your mouse or simply by typing in...
They are commonly used to show a person’s consent or approval with an electronic document, often where a legal element isn’t so critical. For example, a parent consent form for the latest school trip. What is a digital signature? A digital signature is an example of an electronic signatu...
Simply put, an electronic signature, or e-signature is a reproduction of your handwritten signature in electronic format on a digital document. There are several types of electronic signatures. The difference between them is typically linked to the security requirements and the type of data they ca...
An electronic signature, or esignature, is a way of adding a signature in PDF or Word documents. It's often done by inserting an image of their signature drawn by hand or by typing out their name in a stylised font. This serves as an alternative to traditional signatures and seals made...
Electronic Signature An electronic signature is a digital method of signing a document that identifies the signatory and indicates their intention to agree to the terms outlined in the document. It can be as simple as typing a name into a field or using a signature pad to capture a handwritten...
Simple electronic signature The simple electronic signature is the basic form of the electronic signature. It neither encrypts and thus keeps documents secret nor identifies the signatory. Nor does it guarantee protection against changes of the signed document. The sender of an e-mail or a scanned...
We convert notarization to an electronic process using our patented digital signature technology. Flex API A rich set of additional features for companies looking for a powerful, integrated digital signature product. Supporting organizations of every scale, from individual entrepreneurs to global corporation...
Time really is of the essence in any document approval and sign-off process. Delays in getting approval and signatures on documents and contracts are not only frustrating, but they can also cost you and/or your business financially. Using digital signatures or electronic signatures and PDF...