VM3000 Digital MEMS Microphone ImageManufacturer Part NumberDescriptionVoltage RangeCurrent - SupplyHeight (Max)Available QuantityPriceView Details VM3000 MIC MEMS DIGITAL PDM OMNI -26DB 1.6 V ~ 3.6 V 775 µA 0.051" (1.30mm) 0 - Immediate 5000 : $0.98 Tape & Reel (TR) View Details...
white light LED drivers, and MEMS microphones sensors, mainly used for consumer product applications such as wireless broadband, data communication (AP routers, IAD, GPON, USB 3.0 applications (Pen Driver,, hard drive, etc.), LCD TVs/displays, set-top...
1.1 Sound acquisition overview The digital MEMS microphone is a sensor that convert acoustic pressure waves into a digital signal. The STM32 MCUs and MPUs acquire digital data from the microphone(s) through particular peripherals to be processed and transformed into data ...
TDK InvenSense offers a range of high performance, ultra-low power digital MEMS microphones with 68 dB SNR and 133 dB AOP, an industry leading performance in a small 3.5 × 2.65 × 0.98 mm package. This high SNR and AOP provide excellent dynamic range, making the microphone suitable for any...
MEMS audio sensor omnidirectional digital microphone for industrial applications Download datasheet Order Direct Product overview Description The IMP34DT05 is an ultra-compact, low-power, omnidirectional, digital MEMS microphone built with a capacitive sensing element and an IC interface. ...
KRM5603数字MEMS麦克风 本文档介绍了Hosiden公司生产的数字MEMS麦克风KRM5603。该麦克风具有数字输出(PDM)和反向音孔设计,尺寸为3.5x2.65x0.98毫米。它具备高信噪比、低失真率和宽工作电压范围。 HOSIDEN - 数字MEMS麦克风,DIGITAL MEMS MICROPHONE,KRM5603 Sep-2020 - 数据手册 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务 SPH18R1...
Ultra-low noise digital XENSIVTM MEMS microphone IM73D122 is designed for applications which require a very high SNR (low self-noise) and a high sensitivity. The flat frequency response (20Hz low-frequency roll-off) and tight manufacturing tolerance improve performance of multi-micropho...
High performance digital XENSIVTM MEMS microphone IM70D122 makes the most out of Infineon´s Sealed Dual Membrane technology to meet a very high signal-to-noise ratio of 70 dB(A) and a very high sensitivity of -26 dBFS. Especially thanks to its high sensitivity and high SNR the IM70D...
MEMS Microphone Packaging The microphone element and its circuit are not on the same silicon chip. Their manufacturing techniques are too different to manufacture them together. Instead, the microphone and a separate ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) are combined in the same ...