Explore digital health in npj Digital Medicine, an open access journal with 12.4 Impact Factor and 5 days to first decision.
npj Digital Medicine聚焦数字医学多领域的探索,包括数字和移动技术的临床应用和实施、虚拟医疗保健以及人工智能和信息学在临床领域的创新应用,旨在通过结合新型数字和移动技术,指导健康和医疗保健的转型。 本期刊涵盖广泛的主题,包括但不限于: 新型移动应用、监护仪、传感器、软件和可穿戴设备的临床应用和疗效 新颖且经过...
期刊推荐 | Nature Portfolio 旗下 npj Digital Medicine 聚焦数字医学多领域 npj Digital Medicine聚焦数字医学多领域的探索,包括数字和移动技术的临床应用和实施、虚拟医疗保健以及人工智能和信息学在临床领域的创新应用,旨在通过结合新型数字和移动技术,指导健康和医疗保健的转型。 本期刊涵盖广泛的主题,包括但不限于: ...
npj Digital Medicine is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality research relevant to all aspects of digital medicine and health. 中文简介 npj Digital Medicine 是一本开放获取、国际化、同行评审的期刊,致力于发表与数字医学和健康各个方面相关的最高...
Welcome to the journal's online manuscript submission and tracking system. Please be sure that your browser is set to accept cookies, as our tracking system requires them for proper operation. New Submissions npj Digital Medicinehas now moved to a different platform and is no longer accepting new...
npj Digital Medicine《npj-数字医学》(一年1卷). npj Digital Medicine is an online open-access journal dedicated to publishing high quality peer-review...[显示全部] 给编辑部投稿--> 官网投稿 收藏本刊 报刊点评 咨询编辑部 纠错、补充 认证信息 广告 征稿信息 万维提示: 1、投稿方式:在线投稿...
npj Digital Medicine is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality research relevant to all aspects of digital medicine and health. npj Digital Medicine 是一本开放获取、国际化、同行评审的期刊,致力于发表与数字医学和健康各个方面相关的最高质量的研究...
npj Digital Medicine is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality research relevant to all aspects of digital medicine and health. npj Digital Medicine 是一本开放获取、国际化、同行评审的期刊,致力于发表与数字医学和健康各个方面相关的最高质量的研究...
Lessons for local oversight of AI in medicine from the regulation of clinical laboratory testing Current regulatory frameworks for artificial intelligence-based clinical decision support (AICDS) are insufficient to ensure safety, effectiveness, and equity at the bedside. The oversight of clinical laborat...
Commenting on the need for the new journal, Professor Topol, Professor of Genomics at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and Founder and Director of the STSI, said: “Medicine, as we know it, is undergoing rapid transformation with our ability to digitize ...