Our Digital Marketing for Authors is designed to help you expand your audience, no matter your budget or experience with marketing. We use a tested formula that will create buzz on the internet, potentially generate sales, bring you exposure, but most importantly get you where you want to be...
Our proven digital marketing... with your writing and our marketing you can get these results ...and live your dreams as a successful author Cutting Edge Digital Marketing Strategies For Authors (that REALLY work) DMA Community Tired of not getting...
Don’t be afraid to try new things, though:you can find some more suggestions of digital marketing tools here. If one tactic really doesn’t seem to be working for you (or if you’re simply not enjoying it), try something new. Good luck!
Low-Cost Digital Marketing Tools for Authors and PublishersCindy Ratzlaff
Digital Marketing Benefits List Of Best Digital Marketing Books Comparing Best Books On Digital Marketing #1) Epic Content Marketing #2) Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook #3) Digital Marketing For Dummies #4) Youtility #5) Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Digital Distraction ...
What are the best digital marketing books to help you scale your online business? Check out this detailed list of the best books on the market.
1) Digital Marketing for Dummies by Ryan Deiss & Russ Henneberry As someone starting out in digital marketing, you want a full scope of the industry. “Digital Marketing for Dummies” outlines the basics with a casual, easy-to-understand language. By the end of the book, you can create ...
Digital channels opened doors for consumers. No longer passive participants in a one-sided marketing conversation, consumers became empowered authors, publishers and critics. The digital landscape is participatory, an area where consumers exchange ideas. Marketers no longer drive the discussion. Everyday...
Scott Stratten, best known for his insights on the intersection of marketing, social media, and customer experience, is the founder of UnMarketing. He is also one of the leading speakers and authors when it comes to helping audiences embrace the age of disruption. ...
Introducing the top 113 digital and social media marketing experts to follow for daily education, inspiration, entertainment, and engagement online.