The average digital marketing analyst salary in East London, South Africa is R465,686 or an equivalent hourly rate of R224. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in East London, South Afri
Digital Marketing Specialist; Digital Marketing Analyst; Digital Marketing Manager; Digital Marketing Strategist 根据职位的不同,薪资差异较大。Specialist 的年薪大概在 $35K-50K,Manager 年薪则在 $90K-100K左右。而根据大多数人的职业规划,从入行升职到 Manager 职位平均需要 5 年左右。 未来,随着技术变革的加快...
Digital Marketing Analyst; Digital Marketing Manager; Digital Marketing Strategist 数字营销行业前景如何? 美国劳工统计局的数据显示,截至2022年,美国预计新增24,000个 Marketing 相关职位,说明该行业对人才的需求还是很大的。总体从行业发展前景、薪资水平,以及对国际学生 H1B sponsor 的情况,Digital Marketing 近几年应...
一般来说digital marketing的数据roadmap分为四个主块 1. Media data - 因为Google的这些主流平台都是不支持直接连API到SQL 平台或数据库(snowflake,AWS等),所以必须要用一个专门的digital media平台(比如datorama等)去把不同平台的数据源整合到一起。在这个平台里可以看到xigua在不同频道,campaign,creative等投入的...
在偏技术型的岗位会比当地人有优势,之后可以往Digital analyst或者产品经理发展。越往上走,技术型人才...
Chinese, Marketing, Analyst. 细化点可以搜: campaign manager, branding, asset producer, marketing analyst, digital marketing, growth hacking, product owner, product manager, product marketing manager, web analyst, SEO, SEA;再搭配你的目标公司,例如Facebook等,基本上能找到正在招聘digital marketing specialis...
of learners. It focuses on skills related to market segmentation, Google Analytics, web analytics, marketing automation, SEO optimization, and data storytelling. After completing the program, you can easily get a job as a SEO Specialist, Content Marketing Coordinator, or Digital Marketing Analyst. ...
Digital Media Analyst Job opening Are you: Looking for an opportunity to utilize your Digital Marketing experience to manage campaigns at a massive scale? Are you both analytical and a creative marketer, someone with experience creating paid campaigns in a cost-effective way that drives ROI?
Management of marketing agency Proactive project/task suggestions Ad hoc setup/analysis requests Companies I worked with LinkedIn Testimonials “Jakub provides the PPC team at Tinderpoint with additional support on complex data analysis and Google Analytics projects for several large clients. Jakub is...
As a Digital Marketing Strategist, you will partner with our in-market Sales partners to build long-term value for our Mid-Market segment of advertisers and ensure they are getting the most of their Google Ads investment.Google creates products and services that make the world a better place,...