Who are the investors of Digital Main Street? Investors of Digital Main Street include Ontario Government and FedDev Ontario. Who are Digital Main Street's competitors? Competitors of Digital Main Street include Olive Jar Digital and 4 more. Looking for a leg up on competitive, customer and tec...
Digital Main StreetGrantwill help main street small businesses be digitally more effective. Through a $2,500 grant administered by the Ontario BIA Association, small businesses will be able to adopt new technologies and embrace digital marketing. Municipalities, Chambers of Commerce, and Business Impro...
The partnership brings together Southwestern Ontario Regional Innovation Centres (RICs)Communitech,Haltech,Innovation Guelph,Innovation Factory,Innovate Niagara,TechAllianceandWEtech Allianceto deliver a new Future Proofing Main Street program as part of theDigital Main StreetPlatform....
Digital Extremes Ltd., located at 250 York Street, London, Ontario in London Ontario, N6A 6K2, (“we” or “us”) provides this website and is the controller of your personal data.Our data privacy team may be contacted at privacy@digitalextremes.com....
The channel started off with a format more closely resembling that of PTV Prime and other Indian channels where it provided slots for soaps in general while presenting an hourly slot for news headlines. Although, flaming political talk shows and dramas were the main priority when it came to pro...
Ontario considers motion to ban phone use while crossing streets DarbeeVision’s $200 gizmo can improve any video Ford wants to send autonomous cars to driver’s ed Awesome tech you can’t buy yet: Brain zappers, sapphire razors, SuperMeat This billion dollar superyacht can host its own conc...
Discover scalable eGovernment software solutions to engage and serve your community efficiently. Partner with Govstack for impactful results!
Discover scalable eGovernment software solutions to engage and serve your community efficiently. Partner with Govstack for impactful results!
places, which is accurate to within a meter. I’ve attempted to obscure as much information as possible, like street names, exact lat/long and other houses, but I’m sure someone with enough resources could identify this from the unique street outline. However, I’m not going to make it...
Brands –Carrefour, Carnival Corporation, Nissan, Ontario Energy Board, Amlifon, Nestle Lab, Carnival Pixels Gallery and more, Address –Office 204-210 Second Floor, GBS Building, Dubai Media City Dubai, U.A.E. Email –NA Phone Number –+97144247500 Website –www.publicissapient.com 14. Gro...