It was launched on July 1, 2015 by Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. The initiative includes plans to connect rural areas with high-speed internet networks. Digital India has three core components. These include: The creation of digital infrastructure.Delivering services digitally.Digital ...
The government of India policy to make all utility services available to Indian citizens electronically is 'Digital India' initiative. Digital India programme was launched on 1 July 01 by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi with a huge vision to transform India into a digitally empowered nation. Seve...
These initiatives are focused on connecting the citizens of India to the government and vice-versa through the usage of cuttingedge technologies. The ambitious Digital India campaign aspires to connect all the Gram Panchayats (g...
Digital India and Digital India Act 2023 (DIA) aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and a knowledge economy.
MUMBAI: Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama, created in 1993 was recently released in theaters across India in Hindi, English, Tamil and Telugu. The visually stunning anime film, depicting India's beloved epic, has been met with… Boman Irani’s pens down 40th anniversary wishes for wife ...
India is also working on digital infrastructure and government services, and the country has cut health care costs through digital means, making inexpensive health care services accessible to the public, said Som Parkash, India's union minister of state for commerce and industry. ...
In India, a vast biometric identification was introduced, and also the India National ID program was launched. We visited a husband and wife who work at a farm on the outskirt of the city, and we interviewed them about some of the difficulties they've faced in the past. ...
Digital India: Technology to transform a connected nation 1 EExxhhibibiti1t E1 IInnddiiaa iiss aammoonnggtthheettooppttwwooccoouunntrtireiessgglolboablalyllyononmmanaynykekyedyidmiemnesniosniosnosf odfigdiitgailtaadl oapdto...
cor. The Brigade Road restaurant in Bangalore is all the more special, as the first-ever KFC restaurant in India was on Brigade Road over two decades ago. Along the distinctly red, white and black d?cor, these restaurants pay an ode to the iconic Original Cele...
The Digital India program also spawns off the 'Make in India' program which has been launched globally. The vision of 'Net Zero Imports by 2020' will have a much needed, huge boosting effect on the Indian Manufacturing sector. Digital India is a complex initiative and a program of this ...