If time permits, I look forward to adding some higher order interpolation solutions and/or splines to this repository. License The tutorial is offered here under the Creative Commons, Attribution-NoDerivations 4.0 International license. The Verilog source code and software (if any) are released unde...
Fuzzy logic is a widely used tool in image processing since it gives very efficient result. We develop a fuzzy inference system in MATLAB in order to get a simple fuzzy rules based edge detection technique. The technique uses the smallest possible 2*2 mask that slides over the whole image ...
Create and configure a CIC decimator System object that decimates the mixer output by a factor of 64. CIC filters can achieve high decimation or interpolation rates without using any multipliers. This feature makes them very useful for digital systems operating at high rates. ...
These objects provide tools to design interpolation and decimation filters and simplify the steps required to implement the up and down conversion process. This example illustrates the MATLAB® implementation using the dsp.DigitalUpConverter and the dsp.DigitalDownConverter System objects. A Simulink...
The digital up converter upsamples the input signal using a cascade of three interpolation filters. This algorithm frequency-upconverts the upsampled signal by multiplying it with a complex exponential that has the specified center frequency. In this case, the filter cascade consists of an FIR int...
Forssen和Ringaby将这种抽样方法称为“逆插值inverse interpolation”。他们还提出了两种额外的插值技术,他们的经验表明,这在合成视频数据集上表现更好。然而,我们使用逆插值,因为使用顶点着色器在GPU上实现一个有效的版本。GPU的片段着色器负责使用双线性插值重新采样网格扭曲的图像。我们发现,由于双线性逆插值,实际视频...
For more information on changing property values, seeSystem Design in MATLAB Using System Objects. InterpolationFactor—Interpolation factor 100(default) |positive integer|vector of positive integers MinimumOrderDesign—Minimum order filter design
InterpolationFactor=20,... SampleRate=Fs,... Bandwidth=2e3,... StopbandAttenuation=55,... PassbandRipple=0.2,... CenterFrequency=50e3); Create a DigitalDownConverter object. Use minimum order filter designs and set the passband ripple to 0.2 dB and the stopband attenuation to 55 dB. Get ...
fpga interpolation matlab vhdl simulink fixed-point digital-signal-processing overclock fir-filter oversampling up-conversion iir-filters spartan6 sigma-delta-modulation halfband-filter noise-shaping-converter Updated Jan 21, 2018 VHDL RoccoA97 / IPBUS_filter Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Firmw...
Store the results in the oversampled response vector p and plot the impulse and magnitude response. Get Lx = 10; x = zeros(Lx,1); x(1) = 1; vfd = dsp.VariableFractionalDelay( ... 'InterpolationMethod','Farrow'); N = 4; Lp = N * Lx; p = zeros(Lp,1); for n=1:N p(...