I decided to join Glooko because I felt that I could use my skills to help people with diabetes and their health care providers Things I do on a regular day at work On a regular day at work, I take calls and emails from people with diabetes and healthcare professionals who need help ...
Disruptive digital health technologies have revolutionized the health care industry with innovations spanning applications, portals, tools using biometrics, and devices with Bluetooth connectivity to help increase access to health care. Why Baker Donelson?
US healthcare company is putting cash to work from spinning off its consumer health arm December 29 2023 Artificial intelligence AI promises to transform diagnosis of heart disease Rollout of stethoscope with pioneering technology could save lives and ease the strain on the NHS ...
Five principles of generative AI for healthcare New generative AI tools could transform the healthcare industry. But leaders need to make smart choices. Read more Cognizant is helping its 700+ healthcare clients manage through industry transformation, as they plan for and optimize digital healthcare...
As the coronavirus accelerates the digitization of the healthcare ecosystem, learn which key trends are driving digital transformation, and how we can prepare for the new normal. We use reliable resources from healthcare professionals and breakdown digital behavior related to health. ...
Digital health plays an increasingly important role in healthcare today. In general, it refers to information and communications tools, devices, software, platforms and sensors used in healthcare to diagnose disease, manage illnesses, identify health risks to patients and, ultimately, to enhance welln...
This qualitative interview study aimed to describe how family caregivers and healthcare staff in COPD care experience ICT. The results showed that both family caregivers and staff had limited interest in ICT and stated that it might be better for a new generation but not for themselves. Both ...
DHI is a national resource and key enabler and catalyst for change, occupying a unique and visible position at the heart of the innovation ecosystem for digital health and social care in Scotland. DHI's expertise and influence allow us to play a pivotal
Cisco has innovative solutions that lay the foundation for a more connected, secure, and sustainable future in healthcare. Watch video (1:00) Cisco is your trusted technology advisor in healthcare We securely connect providers, patients, and staff with transformative technologies that power inclusive...
While traditional organizations create value within the boundaries of their firm or supply chain, digital platforms leverage and orchestrate a platform-mediated ecosystem to create and co-create value with a much wider array of partners and actors. Although the change to two-sided markets and their...