From VR and telehealth to EHRs and mobile apps, see which healthcare trends people search for the most and learn who leads the digital health conversation.
Telehealth is no longer considered a luxury, but an integral part of a health systems’ care strategy. Remote healthcare is here to stay, and healthcare institutions should invest in the proper technology to remain relevant in an ever-evolving virtual care world—this includes ...
How AI is transforming strategy developmentInadequate access to healthcare has serious consequences for patients. Despite recent efforts to expand healthcare access (such as the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in the United States), some long-standing disparities remain. For ...
A small health tech start-up with a proprietary diagnostics platform, commercialized with a small academic customer group, was ready to launch its products to a broader market. We supported the organization by developing an international expansion strategy and creating a financing strategy to fund its...
“InternetPlusHealthcare”–ie,healthcareincombinationwithapplicationoftheinternet–isnowakeynationalstrategyinChina.Toregulatediagnosisandtreatmentprovidedremotely–ie, 7CHAMBERS.COM CHINALawaNdPraCTiCE Contributedby:AlanZhou,CharleneHuang,JennyChenandStephanieWang,GlobalLawOffice teleconsultationbyHCPsorinternet-based...
Healthcare needs a productivity revolution but not at the expense of patient privacy and safety March 26 2023 News in-depth Can private tech groups reduce NHS cost pressures? From virus-scanning apps to music therapy, new partnerships are cutting bills across the health service but obstacles remai...
In the age of digitalisation, good governance and management have become even more important for the resilience of organisations. On the organisational level, resilience is mainly seen as the ability to survive and prosper. The resilient structure is assumed to follow the digital ownership strategy,...
US Healthcare and Pharma Digital Ad Spending, 2022-2026 (billions ) Publication Date August 1, 2024 Sources EMARKETER Featured In US Healthcare and Pharma Ad Spending 2024Pharma accounts for nearly 90% of the broader industry’s digital ad spending ...
A digital marketing strategy for hospitals can help bridge the gap between the healthcare provider and the patient since it is essential for healthcare businesses to be mindful of the sensitive nature of patient information, as well as the need to provide access to important information in a ...
Digital Medicine and Healthcare Technologybegan publishing its first articles in March 2022 and is currently indexed by the services listed below: Crossref, Dimensions, Google Scholar, The Lens, Semantic Scholar. All IntechOpen Journal articles are archived in CLOCKSS. ...