Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.11 for Windows is running slow Cesar5F84 New Here , Feb 16, 2021 Copy link to clipboard Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.11 for Windows is running to slowScrolling and Highlighting takes more than 3 to 5 seconds to workAlso, 1 out of ...
您可以依照下方的步驟,在 Windows 7、Windows XP 和 Windows Vista 上安裝 Adobe Digital Editions 4.0: 導覽至 按一下「下載」索引標籤。Adobe Digital Editions 的下載頁面會出現。 按一下「下載 Digital Edition 4.0Windows (7.2 MB)」。 ADE_4....
您可以免費下載 Adobe Digital Editions 最新正式本 Windows 7 繁體中文。技術信息 Adobe Digital Editions下載 軟件許可:免費軟件 語言:繁體中文 (cn),英語 出版商軟件:Adobe Systems Software Ltd. 小工具:PC 計算機,超極本,筆記本 (Acer, ASUS, DELL, Lenovo, Samsung, Toshiba, HP, MSI) 操作系統:Windows 7 ...
From the research I did on the Forums, I think the solution may be to delete the clutter in the computer file "My Digital Editions" and to remove the books that didn't save properly in ADE. Since doing that, my ADE seems to be working without a glitch. Mark Votes 1 Upvote...
Adobe® Content Server 4软件保护的 PDF 和 EPUB 内容。这些电子书可通过以下方式从所列的设备获取:设备提供的无线连接(如果可用)和 USB 连接,或从设备到正在运行Adobe Digital Editions(一款用于在 Mac 和 Windows® 支持的计算机上组织和阅读电子书的桌面应用程序)的计算机之间的 USB 连接。
For information on the Adobe Digital Editions' privacy policy,see here; for information on the general Adobe privacy policy,see here. Download Digital Edition4.5.12 Macintosh (22MB) Download Digital Edition4.5.12 Windows (8.24MB) Seamless fulfillment of books across devices:With ADE 4.5.12, when...
Adobe Digital Editions can be used with various screen readers, including JAWS, Window-eyes, and NVDA in Windows, and Voiceover on Mac OS. Go Multi-lingual Your eBooks can be accessed in multiple languages including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese...
Adobe Digital Editions can be used with various screen readers, including JAWS, Window-eyes, and NVDA in Windows, and Voiceover on Mac OS. Go Multi-lingual Your eBooks can be accessed in multiple languages including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese...
Just the basics Put simply, while it has a nice user interface, Adobe Digital Editions is only good for the basics and not much else. While the editing tools for PDFs are nice, navigation is slow and the display layouts can be rather inconsistent. If all you need is a reader, then th...