Digital Control of Dynamic Systems - Gene F. Franklin英文资料.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- -18- -19- -20- -21- -22- -23- -24- -25- -26-...
内容提示: DIGITAL CONTROL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS By Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, and Michael Workman 3 rd ed, 1998, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-201-82054-4, acquired by Prentice-Hall, but now out of print . Replaced by Ellis-Kagle Press: ISBN: 0... DIGITAL CONTROL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS By Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, and Michael Workman 3 rd ed, 1998, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-201-82054-4, acquired by Prentice-Hall, but now out of print . Replaced by Ellis-Kagle Press: ISBN: 0-9791226-0...
动态系统dynamicdigitalcontrolsystemskagle http://.digitalcontroldynsys/ DIGITALCONTROLOFDYNAMICSYSTEMS ByGeneF.Franklin,J.DavidPowell,andMichaelWorkman 3 rd ed,1998,Addison-Wesley,ISBN:0-201-82054-4,acquiredbyPrentice-Hall,but nowoutofprint. ReplacedbyEllis-KaglePress:ISBN:0-9791226-0-0orISBN13:978...
DigitalControlofDynamic Systems 动态系统的数字控制 (离散控制) 上海交通大学电信学院自动化系 参考书 计算机控制系统 ——原理与设计(第三版) 电子工业出版社周兆英 等译 Computer_controlledSystems, KarlJ ——TheoryandDesign (ThirdEdition) ProcessDynamics,Modeling,and Control BabatundeA.Ogunnaike 本课程的主要任...
Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Franklin and Powell, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., (1983), Chapter 6, pp. 131-139.G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and M. L. Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990. Enrico Canuto (M'99) was born in Var...
controller so that the closed-loop system has a rise time tr<15sec and overshoot MP<10% to a step input command.Use MATLAB and plot its step response,then change PID’s three parameters(K,TI and Td) from large to small respectively and plot the responses, summarize their control effect....
Digital Control of dynamic systems:3rd Edition-[英文影印版] Synthesis of Digital Two-Circuit Control Systems With Dynamic Correction for Arm ManipulatorThe method of multicriterial parametric synthesis of two-circuit systems with discrete controllers in the space of parameters of their adjustment, ......
Digital Control of Dynamic Systems 动态系统的数字控制实验答案.doc,experiment 1: The heat exchanger has the approximate transfer function design a PID controller so that the closed-loop system has a rise time tr15sec and overshoot MP10% to a step input co
controller so that the closed-loop system has a rise time tr<15sec and overshoot MP<10% to a step input command.Use MATLAB and plot its step response,then change PID’s three parameters(K,TI and Td) from large to small respectively and plot the responses, summarize their control effect....