无论你是像我一样的大学生,还是忙碌的职场人士,Digital Clock和Fliqlo都能满足你的需求。它们是时间管理的利器,也是桌面美化的艺术品。不妨试试看,让这两款软件成为你生活中的小确幸。
Digital Clock 3Dbrings you retro tube clocks, the latest OLED timepieces, and everything in between with this live wallpaper. Choose the style you like most or leave it to chance, savoring the ultra-realistic 3D graphics! Features: 6 different types of clocks High-quality 3D graphics and eff...
Digital Clock is a digital clock app designed for students and professionals. It provides three modes: Clock, Pomodoro, and Timer. It helps you focus and be more efficient, and also makes your phone's home more beautiful. #Who needs it? 1. Difficult to focus on your work or studies 2....
This is a beautiful digital clock for those who want to have a digital clock on their nightstand or coffee table. You can change the color to almost whatever yo…
Flexy Clock and Watch were developed as widgets for smartphones with Android OS and iOS as well as a clock face for smartwatches with Wear OS and Watch OS. It was developed for smartphones and tablets with Wear OS 2.2 or higher and Android 9 or higher.
电子桌面时钟软件信息 反馈问题 分类: 网络工具 版本: 12.7.35 大小: 58.96MB 语言: 简中 应用权限: 点击查看 隐私说明: 点击查看软件介绍 《电子桌面时钟》是一种可以在屏幕上显示时间的应用软件。它可以以各种不同的方式显示时间,例如数字时钟、模拟时钟、倒计时器等。同时,它还可以提供其他的功能,例如闹钟...
DigitalClock(IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) 已过时. 创建JNI 对象的托管表示形式时使用的构造函数;由运行时调用。 字段 展开表 AccessibilityDataSensitiveAuto 已过时. 自动确定视图是否只允许与 android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService属性设置为 true 的交互 android.accessibilityservice.Acc...
数字时钟动态主题(Digital Clock Live Wallpaper-7)大小:1.0M语言:中文 类别:主题美化系统:Android 点击下载简介|教程|评论(0) 版本:v2.6 安卓版时间:2017-12-22 应用介绍 数字时钟动态主题是一款带动态翻页效果的数字时钟屏保,和手机上的超大字体数字时钟相似,可以让整个电脑显示器显示一个3D动态数字时钟,时间...
iPhone数字时钟,一般又称Digital Clock Widget。 看惯了HTC Sense及其他一些华丽的桌面时钟后,是否有种莫名的厌倦感和审美疲劳感?试试数字时钟吧,背景颜色提供黑色及透明两种,较为单一,但时钟和日期字体的颜色可以在10种颜色中随意挑选。桌面插件也提供两种不同尺寸。 iPhone数字时钟下载安装失败或使用异常,请 -> ...
iPhone数字时钟,一般又称Digital Clock Widget。 看惯了HTC Sense及其他一些华丽的桌面时钟后,是否有种莫名的厌倦感和审美疲劳感?试试数字时钟吧,背景颜色提供黑色及透明两种,较为单一,但时钟和日期字体的颜色可以在10种颜色中随意挑选。桌面插件也提供两种不同尺寸。 iPhone数字时钟下载安装失败或使用异常,请 -> ...