Get better acquainted with your camera and learn about the basics, such as exposure settings, best ways to get the perfect shot, and how to best store your images.
Digital Photography Basics Digital Camera ISO Digital Photography – A Visual Language Why Go Digital? Digital Camera Auto Mode Back to Top Digital Cameras and Equipment Articles Camera Buying Canon EOS Rebel T2i Digital SLR Camera Nikon D3000 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ...
Digital Camera Basics Lately, I’ve been receiving a ton of questions fromTech Talkerfans about different aspects of digital photography. So I will answer many of these questions in this episode. This episode is brought to you by, the fast and easy way to create a high-quali...
CAMERA & IMAGE ASPECT RATIO The print size calculations above assumed that the camera's aspect ratio, orratio of longest to shortest dimension, is the standard 3:2 used for 35 mm cameras. In fact, most compact cameras, monitors and TV screens have a 4:3 aspect ratio, while most digital ...
In Part 2 of this series, we review the basics of digital photography, including the common components of digital cameras; the variables affecting image capture, processing and storage that affect picture quality; and the various types of digital cameras currently available....
Digital Camera Basics Let's say you want to take a picture ande-mailit to a friend. To do this, you need the image to be represented in the language that computers recognize --bits and bytes. Essentially, a digital image is just a long string of 1s and 0s that represent all the ti...
photography digital ph... noun Words related to digital photography nouna photographic method that stores the image digitally for later reproduction Related Words photography Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
HDR photography or high dynamic range photography uses three different exposures of the same scene to create a picture using a digital camera that is closer to what the human eye actually sees. Digital Photography Tutorial Videos, Basics, Principles & Techniques ...
Photography and scanning, how it works for those that want to know, with tips and hints about basics, and how to get the most from your digital camera and scanner.
digital camera n (Photography) a camera that produces digital images that can be stored in a computer, displayed on a screen and printed Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011...