Digimon World: Next OrderDigimon Chronicle XDigimon ReAriseDigimon MastersDigimon New CenturyDigimon SeekersDigimon KnucklesMini Digimon: The Story of the Royal Knights Other Names The Royal Knights (ロイヤルナイツ Roiyaru Naitsu?) are a group of thirteen Mega-level[1] Holy Warrior Digimon[2] ...
Digimon World: Next OrderAn Angemon in Dead End Town asks the Hero to check on a Hackmon it saw that was wounded as it was worried about it as it was unable to treat its wounds due to the Hackmon running away. When the Hero finds the Hackmon in Logic Volcano they explain they were ...
Minomon can be found and captured in Forest of Learning and Forest of Peace, where it is a level 8 enemy. Minomon's unique drop is Minomon's Shell. It has a stat build of 2-4-1-1 as a captured Digimon and a stat build of 3-3-3-1 as an enemy Digimon. Minomon's Skill 1...
Digimon World: Next Order Garurumon is friends withWizardmonand the two went on a magical quest together. With the quest finished, Wizardmon, who used to live in the City, wants to return, but wants Garurumon to go with it, however it cannot seem to contact Garurumon, so asks theHeroto...