Digimon World: Next Order Main characters:Takuto and Shiki|Kouta Hirose|Himari Oofuchi|Shoma Tsuzuki|Luche|Mameo Digimon:Agumon,Gabumon,Biyomon, andPalmon|Yukimura|Rikka|Samudramon,Kuzuhamon, andNoir|Mamemon Antagonists: Analogman|Machinedramon|MetalEtemon|Titamon|Three Gods of Ruin ...
Released close to the end of the PlayStation 2's lifespan, Digimon World 4 looked and played like a title that should have been on the PlayStation 1. More importantly, its inorganic gameplay shift highlighted the franchise's directionless progression, as Bandai threw everything at the wall in...
the Real World looks as you might suspect. Modern day Japan is the primary location (albeit over a decade removed because of the year in which the series started), but some other countries are shown briefly, such as France