Lists of Digimon:List of Digimon(all Digimon) |Fresh|In-Training|Rookie|Champion|Ultimate|Mega|Ultra|Armor|Hybrid|Xros Wars|No Level|Non-Japanese Origin|Partner|Groups Lists of Appmon:List of Appmon(all Appmon) |Standard|Super|Ultimate|God|No Grade|Buddy ...
Mega (究極体 Kyuukyoku-tai?, lit. "Ultimate") If left to its own devices a Digimon will naturally age, and over time may digivolve using data from the environment. Digivolving from the initial Fresh stage usually progresses but each subsequent level takes progressively more time. Because of ...
Overdrive! in Japan) to the Mega level. It has all the same functions as the Data Links, plus the ability to use "Charge! D.N.A. Burst Mode!" ("Charge! Digisoul Burst!" in the Japanese version) to activate "Burst Mode", as well the "Signal Port", allowing the use of a new...
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Megadramon MegaKabuterimon MegaSeadramon Mephistomon MetalGreymon MetalTyrannomon Mistymon Monzaemon Myotismon NeoDevimon Paildramon Pajiramon Panjyamon Persiamon Phantomon Piximon Pumpkinmon Rapidmon RizeGreymon RookChessmon Shakkoumon Shawjamon ShogunGekomon Silphy...
Thorn Shoot (Required VP: 61) Attack Type: Long Distance Effective Range: 5 Required Level: 41 Thorn Whipping (Required VP: 66) Attack Type: Short Distance Effective Range: 1 Required Level: 46 DIVINE BOW- When hitting with a distant area attack Critical
1. Choose one official regular Mega Digimon (a fanmade Digimon or a godly type Digimon such as ZeedMilleniummon, MoonMilleniummon, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, GranDracmon, Ogudomon, Galacticmon, Chronomon, etc is not allowed. For list of Mega Digimon, see: Mega Digimon - Digimon Wiki: Bea...