Digimon Survive Глобальныеоценкиигроков оценки: 2053 49% Сведенияобигреиюридическаяинформация Digimon Survive —этовизуальнаяновелласэлементамитактическойроле...
醒来后,映入眼帘的竟是充满不可思议的生物以及怪兽横行的异世界。 他们毫无预警地面临与危险为邻的严酷状况。 一行人在被恐惧和猜疑所笼罩的同时,一面与在异世界相遇怪兽培养“羁绊”, 一面摸索生存下去的道路。 ■“故事”会随着各种行动的“选择”而产生变化,并决定怪兽的“进化” ...
Digimon Survive mélange le style du visual novel et du RPG tactique pour vous proposer un jeu se déroulant dans un monde mystérieux où monstres dangereux et terribles combats mettront à l'épreuve vos capacités de survie.Alors qu'il participait à un voyage scolaire, Takuma Momozuka a...
Digimon Survive presenta una novela visual híbrida y un RPG táctico ambientados en un mundo misterioso lleno de monstruos peligrosos y batallas mortales que pondrán a prueba tu habilidad para sobrevivir.Después de perderse en un viaje escolar, Takuma Momozuka termina en un mundo habitado por...
Buy Digimon Survive and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.
Digimon Survive presents a hybrid visual novel and tactical RPG set in a mysterious world filled with dangerous monsters and deadly battles that will test your ability to survive. After getting lost on a school trip, Takuma Momozuka finds himself transported to a world inhabited by ferocious foes...
Buy Digimon Survive and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store Canada.
Buy Digimon Survive and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.
DUALSHOCK 4 vibration Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence, Language, Mild Blood Add-Ons PS4 Add-On PackDigimon Survive Extra Support Equipment Pack $3.99 PS4 Add-On PackDigimon Survive Month 1 Bonus Pack $3.99 Ratings Digimon Survive Global player ratings ...
Digimon Survive Extra Support Equipment Pack 1/25/23 DLC Regular Price:$3.99 Nintendo Switch Digimon World: Next Order 2/22/23 Regular Price:$59.99 Nintendo Switch Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition 10/18/19 Regular Price:$49.99 ...