The DigiDestined combine their power into a new ultimate warrior called Susanoomon, finally defeating Lucemon to save both the Digital World and the Real World. Episodes Main article: List of Digimon Frontier episodes The season aired 50 episodes on Fuji TV in Japan from April 7, 2002 to ...
Kazemon J.P. Shibayama CV: Michael Shitanda Kumamon CV: Kumiko Watanabe Duskmon Loweemon Tomoki Himi CV: Kumiko Watanabe Koichi Kimura CV: Kenichi Suzumura Zephyrmon Korikakumon CV: Kumiko Watanabe Velgemon Beetlemon JagerLoweemon MetalKabuterimon Rhihimon RhinoKabuterimon ...
Digimon Frontier Language Opening(s) Insert(s) Ending(s) Japanese "FIRE!!" by Wada Kouji "Say yes!" by Kumiko Watanabe (Tomoki's Theme) "in the blue" by Hiroshi Kamiya (Koji's Theme) "Spark!!" by Mahito Amada (Junpei's Theme) "Kaze no Shizuku" by Sawa Ishige (Izumi's Theme...
Oikawa created Arukenimon and Mummymon and sent them into the Digital World, where they manipulated the young Ken Ichijouji into becoming the Digimon Emperor. As the Emperor, Ken set up his Control Spires—the design of which had come from the enigmatic World of Darkness and had apparently ...