板载Digilent#@ echo#Atmel全速USB-JTAG在安富利上将mcs编程为Flash#@ echo#Spartan-6 LX9 ...
- The os is Windows10 home (version 20H2) (OS Build 19042.867). - When the board is connected with USB micro B cable, device manager adds USB Serial port(COM8), USB Serial Converter A and USB Serial Converter B. In Bus reported device description, Value is displayed...
Digilent Adept is a unique and powerful solution which allows you to communicate with Digilent system boards and a wide assortment of logic devices. ADEPT for Windows: Adept provides JTAG configuration and data transferring, board verification, and I/O expansion features. Connecting and opening device...
I've Vivado 2016.4 on two different WIndows 10 PCs. I tried all USB 3 and USB 2 Ports on both PCs. I tried eight different USB cables which I also use for debugging on Android and also JTAG Targets (STM32 CPUs). The Cmod A7 is powered via USB of course. ...
2 Shared USB JTAG / UART port 9 User slide switches 16 Pmod connectors 3 Ethernet connector 10 User push buttons 17 FPGA programming reset button 4 MAC address sticker 11 Arduino/chipKIT shield connectors 18 SPI flash memory 5 Power jack for optional external supply 12 Arduino/chipKIT shi...
Up until rev B.1, the on-board USB-JTAG controller and USB-UART converter are powered from the Genesys ZU board, not from USB. This means that power-cycling the Genesys ZU board, with the USB 2.0 A-micro B cable connected from the PC to J8, will result in the...
adapter driver ftdi ftdi_device_desc "Digilent USB Device" ftdi_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6014 ftdi_channel 0 ftdi_layout_init 0x00e8 0x60eb reset_config none transport select jtag ### # Target: CYPRESS FX3 ARM926EJ-S ### if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } { set _CHIP...
7 USB Host power enable jumper 18 External JTAG port 29 Processor reset button 8 Standard Pmod port 19 HDMI input port 30 FPGA clear configuration button 9 User switches 20 Pcam MIPI CSI-2 port 31 Zynq-7000 10 User LEDs 21 microSD connector (other side) 32 DDR3L Memory 11 MIO ...
A PC can use the Digilent USB-JTAG circuitry (port J10) to program the FPGA any time the power is on. A file stored in the nonvolatile serial (SPI) flash device can be transferred to the FPGA using the SPI port. Figure 3 shows the different options available for configuring the FPGA...
Yes; presuming you are on Windows 10, you would be able to see the Basys 3 under Universal Serial Bus controllers as "USB Serial Converter A" and "USB Serial Converter B" both with a Bus reported device description (in the details tab in their Properties) as a "Digilent USB Device". ...