This was the case of a girl killed by the accidental discharge of a Lee-Metford rifle at three paces. The notes on this case reveal: "The entrance wound in the malar bone showed no sigh of fissuring, the bullet having drilled a clean small hole. The skin showed no sign of singeing....
这个炫酷的空心窗口就是镜头,调整好大小,然后对准需要录制的地方按下Record就可以生成gif了。 卧槽太NB了我也要做一个! 根据StackOverflow站的提示(在这里),我们需要使用一个在Windows2000及之后平台可用的,用以实现不规则窗体的分层窗口API (SetLayerWindowAttributes).根据百度我们先需要使用一个名为SetWindowLong的Win...