Virtual Private Network (VPN) for Security This is a MUST HAVE, whether you are researching, banking or making purchases online, or allowing your children to surf the net on their cell phones – VPN creates a secure network to provide privacy when you surf, blocks ips, gives you access to...
I watched all of the beheading videos a few days ago, and I've hardly been able to sleep ever since. While I didn't know these people who met their awful fate, I can only be thankful that my family and I are not involved in conflict here in Canada. My thoughts are prayers go out...
high opinion has been instilled in them through the continued barrage of California vacation videos they have seen since they were children, the sports teams, the movie stars. "Californians are different. Californians are the trend setters. As goes California...
But it's not all glitz and glamour - it's also the story of a large Italian family led by a domineering father who's radical ideas on health and nutrition were decades ahead of their time and a sometimes glamorous mother of nine children with a quirky show biz background. The dark sid...
them physically and emotionally during their terms. If they could just think about that BEFORE they commit their crime, maybe they'd freeze and stop before they get that far. What makes an adult woman, married, educated, and in a nice home with their own children break down and do this?
Adults are not supposed to sleep with children and from what I read here, the overwhelming majority think it's not a big deal. Okay, so it's okay for a 13 year old boy to sleep with a 27 year old teacher...okay, where do we draw the line or will we be sitting here 10 years...
Californians live in a bubble. They still have an opinion of themselves as being a leader in all areas. This self-conscience, high opinion has been instilled in them through the continued barrage of California vacation videos they have seen since they were children, the sports teams, the movie...