The primary functions of the digestive system are: ingestion, digestion, absorption and elimination . 消化道或胃肠道(GI tract)从食物进入身体的口腔开始,到固体废物离开身体的肛门结束。它包含了参与摄取的器官和其他参与消化食物的成分。被称为附属消化腺的器官是肝脏、胆囊和胰腺,它们帮助消化食物和营养物质。
•Howmanyorgansarethereinthedigestivesystem?Whatarethey?Theorgansofthedigestivesystem Theprimaryfunctionsofthedigestivesystem 1 Ingestion摄入DigestionAbsorption吸收 2 3 4 Elimination排泄 Physiologyofthemajororgans OrganMouthEsophagusStomachMovementChewingSwallowing Uppermuscleinstomachrelaxestoletfoodenterandlowermuscle...
The organs of the digestive system The primary functions of the digestive system Physiology of the major organs Common Symptoms Common Symptoms Epidemiological investigation Cancer death rates list Etiology Methods of examination vocabulary vocabulary -stomy:造口术、吻合术 appendicostomy gastrostomy gastroduo...
Human digestive system - Enzymes, Absorption, Nutrients: Although the small intestine is only 3 to 4 cm in diameter and approximately 7 metres in length, it has been estimated that its total absorptive surface area is approximately 4,500 square metres (5
第二章-1DigestiveSystems消化系统2013-(精选·公开·课件).ppt,Function and Gross Appearance of Stomach Compartments Primary Function Distinctive Internal Structure Rumen 瘤胃 Fermentation; absorption of VFA, NH3, water Papillae; 乳头 looks like shag carpet
Digestive systemmainly comprises the GI tract or alimentary canal, a tubular structure starting from the mouth extended up to the anus and also some other accessory organs. The mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small, and large intestine constitutively called the primary digestive organs which help...
Understand what are the accessory organs of the digestive system. Answer questions like is the liver an accessory organ or is the pancreas an...
What are the primary functions of the digestive system? breakdown of food and digestion and absorption of nutrients What is the soft palate and what does it do? blocks the upper pharynx to prevent food from entering the nasal cavity What structure prevents the passage of food into the respirato...
1、The Digestive SystemLearn from text A:1 medical terms 2 understanding the text 3 introducing the system in EnglishIntroduction1 What are the two main functions of the digestive system?2 What are the main structures of the digestive system? And what are the accessory structures? Translation被...
Structures and functions of the human digestive system abdominal organsThe abdominal organs are supported and protected by the bones of the pelvis and ribcage and are covered by the greater omentum, a fold of peritoneum that consists mainly of fat.(more) ...