必应词典为您提供Digestive-Biscuits的释义,网络释义: 消化饼干;消化饼乾;全麦消化饼;
digestive biscuits 读音: 美 英 digestive biscuits基本解释 消化饼干 分词解释digestive消化的biscuits〈英>饼干( biscuit的名词复数 ) 猜你喜欢 digestive enzyme消化酶 digestive juice消化液 digestive system消化系统 digestive tract消化道 digestive enzyme complex综合消化酵素 digestive enzymes消化酶 digestive systems...
digestive biscuits发音 意思翻译 消化饼干 相似词语短语 digestive biscuit───消化饼干 digestive tracts───消化道 digestive juices───消化液 digestive process───消化过程 digestive systems───消化系统 digestive tract───消化道 beaten biscuits───捣碎的饼干 ...
意大利进口甘多拉巧克力碎消化饼干250g Italian Gandola Digestive biscuits 商城价/Price: ¥35.00 ¥49.0 评论:0条 收藏:0 规格/Specification: 250克/250g 品牌/Brand: 甘多拉/Gandola 是否进口/Imported: 是/Yes 产地/Origin: 意大利/Italy 保质期/Shelf life: 10个月/10 months 储藏方法/Storage: ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook digestive (redirected fromDigestive biscuits) Thesaurus Medical di·ges·tive (dī-jĕs′tĭv, dĭ-) adj. 1.Relating to or aiding digestion. 2.Functioning to digest food. n. A substance that aids digestion. ...
Digestive Biscuits最初由苏格兰医生Alexander Graham发明,旨在促进消化健康。他相信麦麸和小麦胚芽有益于消化,因此https://hfsyshwx.com 创造了这种饼干。随着时间的推移,Digestive Biscuits成为了英国乃至全球的受欢迎的饼干品牌之一。 品味推荐 McVitie's:McVitie's是Digestive Biscuits最知名的品牌之一,其经典的原味饼...
tesco digestive biscuits 别名:Tesco消化饼干 营养成分 营养素含量(每100克)热量(大卡)490.00 碳水化合物(克)一脂肪(克)一 蛋白质(克)一纤维素(克)一
Name of Product: Digestive biscuits Specification: 1× 120g× 24 / ctn Carton Size: 41X 20.5X 10.5cm Quantity/ 20' Container: 3000ctns/20' Container Quantity/ 40' Container: 6000ctns/40' Container Quantity/ 40'H Container: 7000ctns/40'H Container Packing & TransportationCERTIFICATE Co...
(谷优)消化饼干 Digestive Cookies/Biscuits的做法步骤 步骤1 这个配方尝试用谷优的原材料,实验时尽量在营养比例上相同。但最后发现必须加些牛奶,否则面团不成形。 步骤2 首先,将牛奶加入麸皮,拌匀,静置15分钟。 步骤3 之后,在搅拌盆里加入所有原材料 - 是的,所有原材料。搅拌混合,直到肉眼基本看不到干性材料。然...
Digestive biscuits have their origins in the United Kingdom. They were first created in the early 19th century by a Scottish doctor named Dr. Alexander Graham. In 1839, Dr. Graham developed these biscuits as part of his dietary regimen, known as the Graham Diet, which he believed would prom...