I saw a few of these flyers posted to telephone poles and traffic light posts around Worcester, Massachusetts, Dalkey, Co. Dublin, Ireland, and San Jose, California, I thought, “Ha, see?Someone’staken it seriously.” But even *I* never thought of actually trying to call that number…...
In December, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 81,000 drug fatalities from June 2019 through May 2020, the largest number ever recorded for a 12-month period. In Massachusetts, the mortality increase was more modest, a 2.2 percent rise over the first n...
Law and order and crime were also themes in Nixon’s TV ads. Some played on fear, as in one showing a woman walking down a poorly lighted street while the narrator spoke of a rising crime rate, violence, and assault, and the need to make streets safe. Using the “law and order”the...
Political Economy Research Institute, “Toxic 100 Air Polluters Index” and “Toxic 100 Water Polluters Index” (based on 2019 data), University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2021. Erica Ponder, “Evacuation Order in La Porte Lifted Following Chemical Leak at Dow Facility,” Click2Houston.com, July ...
One version of our story begins in 1874, midway between Cleveland and Buffalo, about 20 miles inland from Lake Erie, on the shore of Lake Chautauqua. Another version begins a half-century earlier, in 1826, in a town called Millbury, just south of Worcester, Massachusetts. The third takes ...
“witches” burned in 1672 in Salem, Massachusetts connects the women involved with symptoms associated with Huntington’s disease. Playwright Arthur Miller told this Salem story differently when he wrote his play,The Crucible, to get people to think more critically about anti-Communist campaign ...
Amendment proposed by the Massachusetts ratifying convention“That there shall be one representative to every 30,000 persons according to the Census mentioned in the Constitution until the whole number of the Representatives amounts to two hundred.” Proposed amendment to the current U.S. constitution...
In other words FORMADRAIN is safe for public and other utilities (which means that there is far less chance that you will have to take anybody to court – and that’s always good news). BENEFIT #4:No toxic odors in your home:
The 21st century is beautiful and its name is Truman Peyote: two guys, Caleb Johannes and Eric Farber, from Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts who so successfully meld the textural possibilities of the digital and analog, of samples, found sounds, and live instrumentation, that their music is less ...
Wintour, “he’s always made the surprising choice rather than the safe choice.” David Remnick,The New Yorkereditor, has said much the same, describing Si Newhouse as the Babe Ruth of magazines, swinging for the fences. Part of the sequence of 20 “celebrity pairs” used in Vanity Fair...