This work evaluates the accessibility of the thermal diffusivity a and the Fick diffusion coefficient D11 in gaseous binary mixtures of H2 and CH4 by dynamic light scattering (DLS). The investigations are performed at temperatures T and pressures p of (293, 333, 363, and 393) K and (5, ...
Thermal conductivity, thermaldiffusivityand volume specific heat were studied using the transient plane source method. 采用瞬态平面热源法,研究了毛细芯的导热系数 、 热扩散系数和单位体积热容. 互联网 展开全部 行业词典 力学 扩散性扩散率 化工 扩散系数又称 :扩散系数(diffusion coefficient) ...
又称:扩散系数(diffusion coefficient) diffusivity_物理学行业词汇 扩散率 diffusivity词源英文解释 borrowed from Medieval Latin diffūsīvus, from Latin diffūsus, past participle of diffundere "to pour out over a wide surface, spread out, extend" + -īvus -ive — more at diffuse >entry 2 ...
a.the ability of a substance to permit or undergo diffusion b.another name fordiffusion coefficient 3.(General Physics) another name fordiffusion5 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009...
The gas diffusions of N 2 , O 2 , CH 4 and CO 2 in 6FDA–6FpDA polyimide dense films were characterized by means of the Henry and Langmuir mode diffusion coefficients D D and D H , the average diffusion coefficient D avg , the local diffusion coefficient (or the effective diffusion ...
DeffAis the effective average diffusion coefficient for A in a complex mixture DABis the diffusion coefficient of A in System AB DACis the diffusion coefficient of A in System AC Yis themole fractionsand the A, B, C, D subscripts refer to different gases. ...
Based on sales statistics, in 2002 the diffusion of the combined oral contraceptive pill was equal to 23.6 per cent in Northern Italy, 20 per cent in Central Italy and 13.3 per cent in Southern Italy. UN-2 Reflector or diffuser sheets in rolls EurLex-2 The diffusion coefficient of tri...
The standard free energy of formation of Bi 2O 3 was measured by means of the solid oxide galvanic cell, yielding The diffusivity and activity coefficient of oxygen in liquid bismuth for an unsaturated Bi O liquid solution were determined from coulemetric titration experiments, which were performe...
Diffusion coefficients the drop down list didn't show any diffusion coefficient except those for thermodiffusion. is there any explanation for this? the strange thing is that modelling diffusion with the dilute approximation modell doesn't show this effect and the diffusion coefficient are accessible....
Normal interstitial diffusion of oxygen through the iron lattice must be assumed. Approximate values of the permeability (product of diffusion coefficient and solubility) of O in Fe at different temperatures are calculated from the sub-scale thickness. The permeabilities of Fe, Ni, Cu and Ag......