Focal diffusion restriction on MRI indicates a longer survival in patients with recurrent glioma treated with bevacizumabFontanella, MMangla, RKorones, DWalter, KEkholm, S
Time-dependentdiffusion MRIenables non-invasive investigation of the microstructure of biological tissue, yielding indices sensitive to cell sizes (water restriction) andmembrane permeability(water exchange)(Callaghan et al., 1991;Kärger, 1985;Reynaud, 2017). Measurement of these tissue properties is i...
Zach, M., Knoll, F., Pock, T.: Stable deep MRI reconstruction using generative priors. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 42(12), 3817–3832 (2023) Google Scholar Chung, H., Ye, J.C.: Score-based diffusion models for accelerated MRI. Med. Image Anal. 80, 102479 (2022) Google Scholar ...
The same is true for diffusion restriction and ADC values on mpMRI; therefore, mixed tissue probably has higher ADC values [33]. Alternatively, a cumulative reduction of diffusion is typical of the aggressive disease being related to a dense growth pattern (Supplemental Fig. 4A-D). We showed...
4f). These results further demonstrated the effectivity of plasmonic single-wavelength strategy in revealing details on the interfacial dynamics directed toward oxygen evolution and further supported that mass transport of dissolved oxygen imposed restriction effects on OER. We proposed that the confinement...
Trauma to the Eye: Diffusion Restriction on MRI as a Surrogate Marker for Blindnessdoi:10.3390/tomography9010033DIFFUSION magnetic resonance imagingOCULAR injuriesBIOMARKERSOPTIC nerve injuriesMAGNETIC resonance imagingSUBARACHNOID spaceTraumatic optic nerve injury may lead to almost instantane...
A negative linear relationship between cell concentration and ADC was discovered with the equation ADC (mm/s)=-1.08x10x cells/ml +2.16x10.For the first time, we report a direct linear relationship between the quantitative diffusion restriction in diffusion-weighted MRI and the concentration of ...
Restriction Spectrum Imaging (RSI): A new method for resolving complex tissue microstructures in diffusion MRIINTRODUCTIONDiffusion tensor imaging (DTI)1 is a powerful non-invasive technique for studying brain tissue microstructure in vivo. However, a well-known limitation of DTI is ...
MRIDiffusionTanycytic ependymoma is a rare spindle-cell variant of ependymoma derived from tanycytes. Primitive neuroectodermal tumors usually have diffusion restriction, whereas ependymomas do not. Here, we present a case of tanycytic ependymoma with diffusion restriction. As far we are aware, this...
Purpose: To evaluate the differences in diffusion‐weighted imaging (DWI) of the fetal brain between normotensive pregnancies and PE/GH pregnancies, with a focus on PE/GH pregnancies with fetal growth restriction (FGR). Study Type: Retrospective matched case–control study. Population: 40 singleton...