Three artists filed aclass-action lawsuitagainst Stability AI, the commercial partner of Stable Diffusion, in January 2023. The next month, the image giant Getty filedanother lawsuitagainst it. The legal and moral issue is complicated. It questions whether a computer creating new works by imitating...
Common questions AI-generated What is the significance of weak ties in information diffusion? What are the four variations of the problem in protection-oriented methods? What is the goal of protection-oriented methods in diffusion models? What is the aim of deriving the Probability Density Function...
Duk Bin Jun,Yoon S,Park.A choice-based diffusion model for multiple generations of products. Technological Forecasting . 1999D.B. Jun, Y.S. Park, A choice-based diffusion model for multiple generations of products, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 61 (1) (1999) 45-58....
To address our research questions, we analyzeN=126,301rumor cascades from Twitter. Our data provides a large-scale, cross-sectional sample based on a comprehensive set of cascades on Twitter during the time period from the founding of Twitter in 2006 through 2017. In particular, our sample con...
emergenceofaflexfuelmarket.Expandingtheboundaryfurtheropensmorequestionsonthelong- termrobustnessofthecurrentflex-fuelpath.Someeffectsacttopushthesystemfurthertowards example,landconstraintsintheagriculturalsectorhavealreadyresultedinsubstitutionawayfrom otherresources(coffee),ofwhichthegrowingactivitieshavemovedupwardtowards...
To answer Questions 1–3, I chose the data described in A below as the most appropriate evidence for goals, those in B for student achievement, and those in C for classroom practices. Justification for their selection for this study is discussed in their respective sections. A Goals: English...
recruits first received a set of instructions and questions checking their understanding of the game; 32 recruits failed to complete the instructions procedure and did not participate in the actual game. These dropouts were replaced with a dropout computer bot (see below for details), in order to...
In the before time when we had bluebooks I gave my students about 70 minutes for 4 short answer questions and a few multiple choice and now I give them 60 minutes for 3 short answer questions. That’s enough time to answer the questions but not enough to research the questions. I have...
Section 3 introduces the research methodology, including research questions, models and data. Section 4 presents the results of analyses, and their policy implications are discussed in section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper, emphasizing its key contributions. 2. Literature review on determinants of...
and reasoning was reported15. Here, participants were required to complete a set of different choice reaction tasks which showed their drift rates were strongly correlated with their working memory capacity and reasoning ability. A study of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients also ...