Diffusion4RobustDepth 题目:Diffusion Models for Monocular Depth Estimation: Overcoming Challenging Conditions 名称:单目深度估计的扩散模型:克服挑战性条件 论文:arxiv.org/abs/2407.1669 代码:github.com/fabiotosi92/ 单位:博洛尼亚大学 D4RD 题目:Digging into contrastive learning for robust depth estimation ...
This is achieved by leveraging cutting-edge text-to-image diffusion models with depth-aware control, known for synthesizing high-quality image content from textual prompts while preserving the coherenceof 3D structure between generated and source imagery. Subsequent fine-tuning of any monocular depth ...
DepthGen,一种用于单眼深度估计的扩散模型,包括自监督预训练和监督微调。在没有专门的损失函数或架构的情况下,NYU达到SOTA。 为了在noisy, incomplete的深度数据上训练扩散模型,使用 L1 损失、深度填充和step-unrolled denosing diffusion (SUD) 来减少训练和推理之间的潜在分布偏移。 DepthGen 支持多模态深度推断和缺失...
If you findECoDepthhelpful in your research or work, please cite our CVPR 2024 paper: @InProceedings{Patni_2024_CVPR, author = {Patni, Suraj and Agarwal, Aradhye and Arora, Chetan}, title = {ECoDepth: Effective Conditioning of Diffusion Models for Monocular Depth Estimation}, booktitle = {...
002 (2023-07-7) IPO-LDM Depth-aided 360-degree Indoor RGB Panorama Outpainting via Latent Diffusion Model https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.03177.pdf 003 (2023-07-6) How to Detect Unauthorized Data Usages in Text-to-image Diffusion Models
4. Experiment We first present the appealing properties of our DDP, fol- lowed by empirical evaluations of its performance against leading methods on several representative tasks, includ- ing semantic segmentation, BEV map segmentation, and monocular depth estimation. Finally, we provide ablation ...
The method employed by Marigold is straightforward. It involves fine-tuning the U-net component of SDv2. During inference, the process is similarly direct. However, recognizing the issue of missing depth values due to the physical constraints of the capturing platform and the sensor's...
duanyiqun/DiffusionDepth main 4Branches0Tags Code README Apache-2.0 license DiffusionDepth A guided diffusion approach for monocular depth estimation. Arxiv•Installation•Dataset•Training•Testing•Logs•Citation Monocular depth estimation is a challenging task that predicts the pixel-wise depth...
As a solution, recent monocular 3D detection methods leverage additional modalities, such as stereo image pairs and LiDAR point clouds, to enhance image features at the expense of additional annotation costs. We propose using diffusion models to learn effective representations for monoc-ular 3D ...
Standard diffusion models assume continuous data, which makes them a convenient choice for regression tasks with continuous values (e.g., depth estimation). However, existing studies [14, 16] show that they are unsuitable for discrete labels (e.g., semantic segmentation). Therefore, we explore ...