对于这种复杂现象,可以建立一些简单的设想和数学模型,然后在这些设想的框架上来模拟自然。于是就有了凝聚态物理中比较基础的有限粘结扩散模型(DLA),通过利用简单的随机行走和编程,任何人都可以利用电脑去模拟大自然的分形。 这里简单介绍一种简易的DLA模型:先画一个矩形框,比如100×80像素。在框里划分出精细的格子,比...
They look fabulous, like underwater bonsai trees that have been painted by Salvador Dali. 3D DLA For many years now the ultimate inspiration in DLA for me has been Andy Lomas. More Works: http://www.andylomas.com/aggregationImages.html ##8.1 Diffusion-Limited Aggregation ###8.1.1 Basic Id...
Mean field theory is used as a basis for a new approach to analyzing fractal pattern formation by diffusion-limited aggregation. A coarse time scale is introduced to take into account the discrete nature of DLA clusters. A system of equations is derived and solved numerically to determine the ...
3) diffusion limited aggregation model 扩散限制聚集模型 1. By using the molecular dynamics theory anddiffusion limited aggregation modelof film growth. 用分子动力学和薄膜生长的扩散限制聚集模型 ,薄膜中结瘤微缺陷成核时的分形现象得到了很好的解释 。
DLA - Diffusion Limited Aggregation 通过使用化学和物理领域的物理过程模型生可以成许多迷人的图像和类似生命的结构。举个例子,扩散限制聚集或DLA,其特别描述了电解溶液中锌离子在电极上的扩散和聚集。“扩散”是由于形成结构的颗粒在将自身(“聚集”)依附到结构之前随机漫游。“扩散限制”是因为这些颗粒被认为是低...
Here I report results of twenty seven in silico simulations for a diffusion limited aggregation model which accounts for much of the fractal structure previously observed in GPNs. Parameters varied in the model included (a) the frequency of gene duplication events, and the extent of (b) ...
1. The simulation results show that diffusion aggregation cluster with next-nearest neighbor′s dimension is less than diffusion limited aggregation cluster′s. 研究结果表明,次近邻扩散聚集集团的维数略小于扩散置限聚集集团的维数。2) Diffusion and aggregation 扩散聚集...
Improved algorithms have been developed for both off-lattice and hypercubic lattice diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) in dimensionalities (d) 3-8 and for two-dimensional off-lattice DLA. In two-dimensional off-lattice DLA a fractal dimensionality (D) of about 1.71 was obtained for clusters con...
Advances in Condensed Matter PhysicsTuhina T, Kumar M, Kamlesh P, Neelam S, Srivastava PC (2013) Diffusion-limited aggregation in potato starch and hydrogen borate electrolyte system, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Adv Condens Matter Phys. doi:10.1155/2013/781058...
Starting from the explanation of diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) model, we discuss various aspects of DLA; properties of the fractal structure, a variety of related phenomena, theoretical attempts to derive the fractal dimension expression, inherent stochasticity, extension and generalization of the ...