Let me dwell on the term Bildung—a key term, not least because The Magic Mountain draws on the tradition of the bildungsroman—a little longer to challenge this argument about Mann’s ideal readers. In the novel, the words “Bildung” and “gebildet,” which indicate the possession of ...
Most mutations in human cancer are low-frequency missense mutations, whose functional status remains hard to predict. Here, we show that depending on the type of nucleotide change and the surrounding sequences, the tendency to generate each type of nucle
Older adults with higher IC had a lower incidence of fall-related injury in the late-life, which is consistent with the finding that IC decline is significantly associated with increased odds of falls and fractures among community-dwelling older a dults9. Falls, likely, result in severe ...
They may struggle because fixed-length training programmes are too rigid for “slow learners”—not necessarily because they will become poorer doctors long term. In other words, the “one-size-fits-all” approach to residency training could be seen as the main problem, and the proven learning...
finding the food reward47,48. The reversal task to measure proactive interference consists of a single information stage wherein the food reward was moved to a previously unrewarded tree, and 5 trials to measure the ratio of errors made on the previously rewarded tree over the other two trees...
This mode of pro- cessing is different from automatic processing, which is relatively well learned in long-term memory, is potentially more parallel in nature and is much less affected by cognitive load32. Tasks that are not well-practiced, and that vary on load/difficulty, are associated ...
by comparing run-1 vs. run-2 for a single scanning session. We also used the multi-run VWMT data to show that fractal scaling increases continually as a function of task exposure. In other words, when the task is novel it is more effortful, and becomes more fluent with practice. We ...
Subjectivity is a key aspect of natural language understanding, especially in the context of user-generated text and conversational systems based on large language models. Natural language sentences often contain subjective elements, such as opinions and
The finding revealed that a majority of participants were either at risk of malnutrition (58.1%) or malnourished (10.3%). Additionally, 12.0% of participants experienced depression, 49.5% had poor sleep quality, and 16.9% reported engaging in difficulty falling asleep at night. There were ...